At the moment when things were finally beginning to stabilize in his country, Assad has once again done the logical thing by openly gassing civilians in full view of the international community. Forty are reported dead, according to "activists and medics."
See below for a flashback to the last time Assad openly gassed his people in full view of the international community just when things were starting to look up for his regime. What is it with this guy? Why does he keep shooting himself in the foot and giving the US a legitimate reason to invade his country every time things look like they are stabilizing? It's so strange...
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
Remember last time Assad did this? Still no evidence it was his regime who did it according to General Mattis but we all know. We all know - the neolibs and neocons on our TVs and in our fucking faces showed us the video proof of these brave medics handling nerve gas victims with bare hands and no masks. What is wrong with this Assad guy huh? We need to send the troops in - troops on the ground. Haliburton contracts - more weapons. Full-scale invasion. Let's destroy what's left of this world.
(Short Spike)
Once again Western nations have choosen to take personal interest (Russia Military bases in Syria) and 1up the other guy over doing the right thing but do tell us more about the mad A-rabbs hate us because of Islam, our freedom and all of that next pissed off terrorist attacks right Auto?
RUSSIA has warned that any foreign military strike against Syria may lead to the “gravest of consequences” after a suspected chemical attack killed dozens of people outside Damascus and President Trump warned there would be a "big price to pay".
(Old Spike)
Hey Danmanjones please post that pic of McCain again chumming with the same kinds of "activists" that are now reporting a new chemical weapon attack in Syria.
(Old Spike)
The better question is. Who is actually baiting the U.S. and why?
Assad isn't just waking up and deciding to put on a show because he thinks it's funny.
(Old Spike)
If I had to guess, like the last time some CS was deployed in a contained area and then the "victims" filmed being treated (note the lack of gloves again). Who's behind this? A few different suspects with actual motives exist, but it's impossible to know with all the BS sprayed in the air.
(Old Spike)
If your title is ironic I think you should be more straight up with such sensitive things. Half the people reading it will believe it at face value.
(Old Spike)
The title and the entire description is sarcastic. Danman this is like groundhog day over and over again, with people falling for this horseshit again and again. What is the one thing the entire MSM will get behind Trump on? That's right another full scale war in the middle east. Russia Russia Russia! And now John Bolton?
Sorry I'm really angry right now - the one thing people are going to praise Trump for is the one thing I'll be demanding impeachment on along with Tulsi Gabbard and the Pauls and every other sane person out there with a light on upstairs. What do you want me to change the title to? I'll try something more blunt.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Thanks for changing it.
Last night I was on Twitter looking at UFC stuff - just on UFC channels & searches - and the amount of propaganda related to this checmical attack that was coming through into a completely unrelated topic was insane. It's obviously an orchestrated campaign by people who know what they're doing, watching what's tending etc. A real drift net approach.
(Long Spike)
President Trump lashed out Sunday against an alleged chemical weapons attack by Syrian government forces on civilians, ripping "that animal Assad" and laying blame for the Syrian president's power on Russia, Iran and even President Barack Obama.
I find accusing any specific person or group at this point is jumping to conclusions-except Obama, his hands are all over this. I think all sane people believe it needs concrete evidence. Opinion being pushed as news is a huge problem across all media sources. It would seem Kim Jong Il-level insane for Assad to launch a chemical attack on civilians though. It will be interesting if we could ever know the truth.
(Old Spike)
Bolton is in there and these fucks have figured out the magic formula to manipulate Trump - children. He will fold if you can make him sad for the children. He'll start a war that will kill hundreds if not thousands of children because of the children. It should be no mystery why I hate the MSM so much - all you have to do is see how they are reporting this on every major news outlet. The deaths of thousands are and will be on their hands, and they face no justice for that.
(Long Spike)
Easy topgun. Take some Xanax and spell out whatever grassy knoll opinion you have about what you think definitely happened. I'm serious. I know nothing about this. Who is doing it? Did it even happen? Is the media driving it all themselves? Is it just one side of the media? What is their hoped-for outcome? Is it the military-industrial complex looking to get more profits? I don't have any grasp of this whole thing.
(Old Spike)
It's both sides of the media - the neolib MSM and the neocon MSM (FOX, with the exception of Carlson who will question this on his show). Do you remember the run up to the Iraq war in 2002? Do you remember how there were still journalists working at CNN like reporter Christian Amanpour and CNN anchor Aaron Brown who questioned the justification for it? Remember how FOX shot forward in the ratings with patriot-shaming and war drum beating? That marked the end of what was left of actual journalism on TV. It's gone now.
So whether or not it happened (keeping it mind that it makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER) will be irrelevant. Here's the simple formula: "Assad is a mass-murderer who uses WMDs to kill children and he's supported by Russia, and if Trump doesn't do something it's further proof that he's in bed with Russia." Check mate - good thing Bolton is there so Trump can stick him with the blowback. However Bolton is a willing "Colin Powell" this time - fully aware of and supportive of the propaganda campaign.
I'm guessing we'll see this questioned by the alt media with the exception of Trump dick-sucker Alex Jones. Carlson will stick his neck out on FOX and ask some tough questions. Maybe I'll be surprised - I've seen this happen repeatedly over two decades so I'm pretty cynical at this point. What really hurts is that, when we fall for this collectively, no one should be confused or surprised when we pay for it colletively as well.
(Long Spike)
That is an opinion that might be the truth. So you don't think a chemical attack occurred-or was just CS gas? I just wanted to check "Opinion news" and see what the "Experts" had to say and they are all over the place, from "Assad gassed civilians" to "Nothing happened and even if it did, it's a false flag attack by rebels". I have no idea what did/didn't happen.
(Old Spike)
Based on what I've seen so far, it's looking right now like CS gas was deployed and people were affected. I *think* that's why the media is calling it a "chemical attack" instead of a "nerve gas attack" or "sarin gas attack". This looks like a propaganda push from the people within and outside of Syria who are motivated to remove Assad - I see some MSM outlets being less than enthusiastic about taking it at face value (CNN is full-on MIC whore right now). I won't rule out the possibilty that CS gas can cause deaths in certain very specific situations. I can't say I know that 40 people didn't just die from tear gas. There always has to be doubt. I'm 95% certain WMD-grade nerve gas was NOT just dropped by Assad on civilians in full view of everyone.
(Long Spike)
It's impossible to discount the value of the internet when one can be 95% certain of anything through web research.
(Long Spike)
Same fake news, always when Assad is near to eliminating the forces of ISIL he uses the least effective weapon (which the international commision has confirmed he does not have!)
Bloody Islamic propogandists usinf the same actors in the same shots to claim chemical weapons in use!!!
(Long Spike)
So the multiple reports of gas attacks presently and in the recent past were *BOTH* false flags by the U.S. media to stoke the flames of war? Is that the accusation here?
(Old Spike)
Disappointed to see you using a "So you're saying" approach here Groth. The previous report has not been confirmed, and the top military guy in the US says a year later there was no evidence of nerve gas. Here we are again - another "gas attack". Another video apparently showing victims of CS tear gas being treated.
When I went to the anti-globalization rally in Quebec in 2000 (or was it 2001?) I was heavily tear gassed. It sucks. You live. Nothing to launch an invasion over. You won't ever get a clear answer on "Who did it?" if it wasn't Assad.
Why don't you answer this question: At this time, what would be Assad's motive for openly dropping nerve gas on his own people in full view of the international community?
I am looking forward to Jimmy Dore's response to this.
(Long Spike)
Well, you admitted to using sarcasm in the title. I'm interested in getting you to make a solid assertion instead of using vague language and standing on the fence. If you have an accusation to make then say it.
To be fully honest I can't say a reason why Assad would gas his own people because I'm not there. But it's quite disengenuous for you to say that *you* were tear-gassed in 2000 and didn't die so everyone here is lying.
(Old Spike)
That's not what I said. Watch the videos where you see victims being hosed down - those people are not suffering from the effects of nerve gas. Notice that so far all we're hearing about is a gas attack Those people are suffering the effects of CS gas, the only gas confirmed to have been deployed by ANYONE on EITHER SIDE. The reason you can't say why Assad would not gas his own people in full view of the world is NOT because you are not there. It is because you have a brain. At the very least you MUST be suspicious of calls for war based on reports form the white helmets.
If you want to know what the people there think, you could try finding some interviews with folks who aren't ISIS murderers posing as humanitarian workers. These interviews are hard to find, but very illuminating - they all pretty much say the same thing: "Please get the fuck out of our country. You don't understand it. This is a secular government. You are supporting murderous religious nutcases. Please stop!" But you know what you can find? A Syrian "survivor" of the 2013 chemical attack praising Donald Trump on CNN for launching missiles at his country.
Their goal is simply to make discerning people uncertain enough not to stick their neck out and oppose another war in the middle east - not if you care about children. Not if you're not a Russian traitor. Everything else will be taken care of by the stupid. So you're going to get a nonstop onslaught of this:
And this: https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2018/04/08/syria-chemical-attack-video-foam-mouth-barrel-bomb-civilians-pleitgen-newday.cnn/video/playlists/ghouta-syria/
And this: https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/08/politics/john-mccain-congress-donald-trump-syria/index.html
But you won't be shown things like this:
(Long Spike)
I don't know why they even try to get public buy-in anymore. If they're going to war they don't fuckin' need my approval or disapproval.
(Old Spike)
For me at this point it's simply a quesiton of whether it can be stopped. I'm getting old and crusty, and Jimmy Dore is making more and more sense to me every day. You're right about this being the latest proxy war, but it's also been quite a long time since there's been a major proxy war. There hasn't been one between the US and Russia since Bosnia and that one wasn't really much to write home about in terms of proxy wars. That leaves the Central and South American proxy wars which were decades ago. This proxy war is a very dangerous one - besides the general loss of life that occurs in all wars this one would have a real chance of escalating into something worse.
(Old Spike)
So let's imagine there was a nerve gas attack. Why the fuck is the responsibility of the US to do something about it?
(Long Spike)
Because Syria is where the current proxy war is taking place. Try to keep up.
(Old Spike)
Are proxy wars something we need to be involved in?
(Long Spike)
No. But you and I have opinions that matter greatly when it comes to the military industrial complex.
(Old Spike)
So does that mean you are in agreement with Trump and think we should get out of Syria?
(Long Spike)
My opinion is full on irrelevant because I'm not educated in what the fuck is happening over there nor why we need to show the size of our 11 inch dick off to Russia. If Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America and the most powerful man in the world, wishes for us to "get out of Syria" (whatever the fuck that means), then he should bring it instead of sing it.
(Long Spike)
Still a better leader than Drumpf
(Long Spike)
Bullshit. Best president since Lincoln.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
There is a Deep State that no one can seem to name a single member of and they are more powerful than Donald Trump, guys.
(Old Spike)
You can't deny that there's a military industrial complex.
(Old Spike)
Several doctors have given their opinion on the children being "treated" in these videos. It seems no one seems to know what they are doing, calling their proceedures counter-productive to treating anyone who've been exposed to chemicals.
WARNING! This video is not for the faint of heart. Read the details underneath.
"Swedish Doctors For Human Rights (swedhr.org) analysed videos, the rescue after an alleged attack by Syrian government forces. The doctors found that the videos were counterfeit, where even Arabic stage directions were overheard, and that the alleged “Rescue” in actuality is a murder. On first analysis, it looked as though the doctors working on the child assumed he was already dead.
However, after broader investigation, our team ascertained that the boy was unconscious from an overdose of opiates. The video shows the child receiving injections in his chest, perhaps in the area of the heart and was eventually killed while a clearly fake adrenaline injection was administered.
This was a murder.
The doctors determined in its analysis:
• The video should be life-saving measures after a chemical attack with chlorine gas (now claimed to be Sarin-not possible), including injection of adrenaline via syringe with a long needle into the heart of an infant. In no way were treatments correctly given for any potential chemical agent.
• The handling and treatment of the child was done in a manner that was careless, dangerous and likely to cause serious harm.
• Most telling is the fake repeated shots of adrenalin, supposedly into the heart. The medical personnel, and I think we can safely call them actors at this point, failed to push the plunger on the needle. Thus, the contents of the syringe were never injected as is clearly visible in the video itself.
• The visible diagnosis by a team of actual medical experts, based on what is observed in the video, indicates that the child was suffering from an injection of opiates and was likely dying of an overdose. There is no evidence of any other agent, chemical or otherwise.
• None of the children in the videos showed any sign of being a victim of a chemical attack."
(Long Spike)
Why is it when Bush or Obama had press-pushed military cycles people looked at them and said, "what are they trying to distract us from...?" but no one is asking that right now with Trump? Literally 24 hours later:
(Old Spike)
Which people? Do you mean Alex Jones? Oh do you mean like Phil Donahue? He was branded an Alex Jones nutbar conspiracy theorist by the MSM for making your very same argument. How about the Clinton administration? Lots of investigations there - it was a right-wing conspiracy remember?
So this could very well be another case of trying to distract from the Trump administration, but I don't know why an MSM that's so hungry for Trump's blood would go along with that? The MSM, with some exceptions, have been pushing conflict with Russia nonstop for two years. Are you saying that all of the impeach pressure has been designed to coerce Trump into doing something stupid like hiring John Bolton and launching a war?