Attention YouTube: The Clock is ticking!


danmanjones's picture

there is no human right to get paid for broadcasting video. It's good to hit Youtube hard from a legal angle but ultimately it needs to be replaced with other platforms, ones that will likely eventually sell out just like YT did.

A centralised global video platform that is a clear #1 under the thumb of the US govt & corporations is not really the best model.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

How is YouTube under the thumb of US govt?  At least they're not under the thumb of some censorious shithole like New Zealand where they straight up throw your ass in prison for looking at video of a crime.

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danmanjones's picture

take a look at the press freedom index

where does the Land of the Free(TM) rank?

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

a union in 2019, lmao

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GKhan's picture

Welcome to Germany. Works Council (union) is mandatory for a company when they reach a certain size.

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