Avoid Driving Behind Teslas

Accuser's picture

Hundreds of Tesla owners complain of unexpected 'phantom braking'

A person was just killed on the interstate near me. The sudden phantom breaking of their Tesla was definitely the cause but it's "Being investigated" and the fact that they were rear-ended by a truck as they were almost stopped in the middle of the road and they were crushed is being kept quiet. It seems like the threat is being minimized. No big deal just don't be a victim.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This is bullshit, according to Elon full self driving in a tesla is safer than that of any human being since 2016 now. And what Elons says is always true!

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GKhan's picture

There's truth on both sides for this one. Out of 3 Billion self driving/auto pilot there are only a couple thousand incidents reports means that statistically it's very low. And that's what Elon references, one is more likely to get into an accident driving themselves than when self driving is driving. But the other side (and what bugs me) is that, sure it's safer but the phantom breaking is 100% preventable by a human. So if you are the average driver or worse, then yes self driving may be statistically safer for you but if you are a skilled driver (like my race car driver skills I believe I possess) then it could arguably be not safer.

And just to clarify, the solution is to simply push the accelerator. Those folks who come to a complete stop are not paying attention or froze-panic.

Also, what would be interesting is to compare the stoping rates to other self driving/auto-pilot systems.




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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Excessive driver aids, this includes lane assist and of course "self driving", just helps people to pay less attention in traffic. When paying less attention reaction times will suffer and people will react slower or wrong, 

There are enough incompetent drivers these days anyway, no need to "help them" become even more incompetent.


There are no 3bn self driving / autopilot cars on the road! tesla sold less than 2m cars to date, only some of them have the "autopilot" feature.


A FSD tesla.DOES NOT EXIST, NEVER HAS and it NEVER WILL if they keep de-spec-ing it! In the newer models they removed the radar system, which are the cars affected by this.


ALL OTHER FSD manufacturers still mount huge sensor arrays on their cars with good reason.


Do you have a tesla with "autopilot"? If so how much money have you made to date using it as a "robotaxi"? Do you know anyone who did?


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