I just want to see the proof that Trump has mentioned. This isn't it and I really just want it because then it will be over. Kelly didn't deny what Trump is accused of saying. Present the truth and it's over. Wait and it's more likely Trump did say it and he's a liar. The world waits.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
Are you BabyDuckling?
And did you comment before watching the entire video? Yeah.
So you don't have the entire context? Yeah.
I think you answered my first question already.
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eh (Long Spike)
LOLOLOL You are one sad dipshit. Did you order the Trump 2020 t-shirt being hawked in the Youtube video? You are definitely exhibiting all of the traits of a brainwashed Trumptard moron. Where's the proof Trump has talked about? I saw Kelly's speech. Where's the proof? That's what is needed, not Trump's usual "I have proof" that he has used before and then provided nothing. Yeah.
Proof. Yeah.
Yeah. Proof.
Trump supporters are in a legendary circle jerk as usual making excuses for the guy. Where will it end? If he rapes and kills your mother, you will probably defend him and then support him for trying to solve the population problem. I've talked to Trump voters and they are speechless over his latest actions. Hell, even Fox News came out and said Trump is the one who politicized the death of service members while accusing anyone calling him out as a liar as politicizing things.
Just present the proof and it is a dead issue for me and a lot of people. Skip the standard "Believe everything Donald says" shtick. It's old, used up, and very pathetic right now.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I'm confused - what "proof" are we waiting for? While BabyDuckling was in prison he wasn't posting anything so I'm not up to speed on the latest in the world of anti-Trump peacocking.
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BabyDuckling (Long Spike)
Wasn't in prison. gave up carbonated sugar drinks for carbonated water. fit my pants 34X32 pants again.
My computer conked out and i slapped the hard drive a couple times and it works again. literally. If i disappear i will be invest money and be back so dont be a wurry wort , i love you too skeptoid.
If you weren't so pro Pedophilia with Milo yianopouluos id i respect you more.
also if you weren't so pro Nazi regime (soldiers that fought them still survive) Id very much support you. Nazi fucktards are not "very fine people".
Its disgusting that people like Putte are pro Nazi.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
People who used to fight the Nazis? Are you talking about Simone Gorka's family? Somehow I manage to put one foot in front of the other without your support, but dangling it in front of me like that is just cruel.
So what proof are we waiting for this time? Seriously I'm not up to speed.
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eh (Long Spike)
Wait........you are seriously talking about Sebastian Gorka, as someone who fought the nazis???????? He lies constantly, has links to the nazis, wears a bogus medal, his bullshit is legendary, lies about his education, and a lot of other bizarre things. Gorka is a complete maggot. Pick someone else. Jesus.
Gorka is bizarre. He went on the BBC,criticizing Rex Tillerson. A few days later, that fact was reported. He then went on Fox News and screamed that his criticism of Tillerson was "Fake news." This guy is a loaded gun in the hands of a blind psychopath.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Ya that Gorka guy who's family survived Hitler and Stalin - the one you're always smearing. Is that who Duckling is talking about?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Oh I get it - you guys are doing that thing again that makes you feel good but hurts your cause. That autistic thing. Cool cool.
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eh (Long Spike)
You are seriously sucking off Gorka? What bizarro world are you in? Gorka is a well-known fraud in the intelligence community. Trump even realized he had to shitcan this moron because he was going to bring nothing but derision. Are you two related or something? Seriously, I just don't understand your support of this con artist. Research his "Trump University-style", PhD which he demands being called "Doctor" from. IT'S A FUCKING JOKE!!!!! Spend a half hour researching this fraud and you will either think differently or there is just no hope for you.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I offered no opinion about whether he's an intelligence dude or not. I did research his family history though - I was prompted to do so by accusations that he wore that pin as a proud Nazi. When everyone is being called a Nazi, finding an actual one is like finding a needle in a haystack, so I wanted to know if Trump had actually hired one. Based on the family history and context seems like he came from a strong family that survived two genocidal wars/dictators. Unless his family history is fake, Gorka is not a Nazi. Was he supposed to be an intelligence expert? I thought he was a media attack dog - seemed like he was always out there yelling at CNN. Like I said I don't really follow the hysterical anti-Trump stuff that closely because I don't watch CNN or any of the networks. I haven't had cable since 2005.
I'm now up to speed on this dead soldier phone call story. Trump bragged about being the best dead soldier phone call President and set himself up for a smooth gotcha moment from a anti-Trump congresswoman who sat ready to listen in on the prescheduled call by Trump to one of four family members. She said she only heard a portion of the call but I think it's more likely she selectively heard the portion she could best make pie out of by applying the worst possible interpretation of the meaning behind the words that had been recommended to Trump. Both have taken something sacred and pissed and shit all over it in a horrifyingly degrading spectacle that the media has helped amplify and sustain.
We all know the truth now anyway. It took CNN almost a year but they finally got the Russia election hack story right when they revealed how Russia had used Pokemon to support BLM in stoking racial tensions with progressive messaging across the United States. Who could have known it at the time? We made fun of Pokemon - we all thought it was a joke. But it made you and BabyDuckling, and Berg and the "rest of us", post all that racially-charged left-wing stuff, it made me expend energy explaining how retarded you both were while the real villain laughed behind the curtain, and it whipped the pro-Trump people into a frenzy of racist backlashing that continues to this day. In hindsight it's perfectly clear, especially when you look at his view count today, that all of the strife and confusion in the US is the work of one brilliant Russian intelligence operation, and one operative in particular:
The world is still waiting for the........wait for it.......PROOF.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Proof would be the audio recording of the conversation he made from the whitehouse. We aren't going to hear it, because it is very personal to the surviving family members. To release the conversation he had with them to prove a point is absolutely petty and just tacky/disrespectful. The fact that he mentioned this, and she hasn't said another word about it and completely shifted gears speaks volumes. Basically, the threat was laid down, that he was willing to be disrespectful to the family and air a private conversation because her lying bitch mouth was already moving to irrepairable damage. I am glad he has done it, because the "gotcha" dems, would have had a media field day with him airing private matters of discussion.
Trump took the high road on this.
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eh (Long Spike)
WOW! That was some Wonder Woman-level spin right there. Amazing.
"Trump took the high road." That is beautiful right there.
You seriously don't think Trump would come out in an instant with recordings? You are one sad, easily conned individual.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
Wasn't BabyDuckling the one who used this "mother raping argument" against me?
You should consider letting it go when it doesn't work after the fifth time.
I'm sorry this is not your post so you could delete it. But it seems you would rather just bury the comment section and hope no one catches on.
And I can't be pro nazi, because their actual government is extinct. They lost the war, remember? If you think I'm all about supporting welfare skinheads who are basically collecting trinkets of a dead era, you're wrong.
But I am starting to feel anti-socialist, because their beliefs and ideas are for some reason on the rise again, and might turn into something like the National Socialists of Germany, or Nazis for short, which is what it means.
And again, this weird phenomena of trying to combine countries under one rule, and they're presenting themselves as morally superior to everyone else, and there's no democracy included in the deal as a member country. They have their own flag and symbol. Ugh. Soon even an army I hear. Who would have thought? That people were still this stupid, to keep ignoring the lessons of the past because the language changed? And cencoring history because it's "offensive", which is how Hitler banned a bunch of stuff which kept people in the dark about their reality. How do you not make those comparisons?
(Long Spike)
I just want to see the proof that Trump has mentioned. This isn't it and I really just want it because then it will be over. Kelly didn't deny what Trump is accused of saying. Present the truth and it's over. Wait and it's more likely Trump did say it and he's a liar. The world waits.
(Old Spike)
Are you BabyDuckling?
And did you comment before watching the entire video? Yeah.
So you don't have the entire context? Yeah.
I think you answered my first question already.
(Long Spike)
LOLOLOL You are one sad dipshit. Did you order the Trump 2020 t-shirt being hawked in the Youtube video? You are definitely exhibiting all of the traits of a brainwashed Trumptard moron. Where's the proof Trump has talked about? I saw Kelly's speech. Where's the proof? That's what is needed, not Trump's usual "I have proof" that he has used before and then provided nothing. Yeah.
Proof. Yeah.
Yeah. Proof.
Trump supporters are in a legendary circle jerk as usual making excuses for the guy. Where will it end? If he rapes and kills your mother, you will probably defend him and then support him for trying to solve the population problem. I've talked to Trump voters and they are speechless over his latest actions. Hell, even Fox News came out and said Trump is the one who politicized the death of service members while accusing anyone calling him out as a liar as politicizing things.
Just present the proof and it is a dead issue for me and a lot of people. Skip the standard "Believe everything Donald says" shtick. It's old, used up, and very pathetic right now.
(Old Spike)
I'm confused - what "proof" are we waiting for? While BabyDuckling was in prison he wasn't posting anything so I'm not up to speed on the latest in the world of anti-Trump peacocking.
(Long Spike)
Wasn't in prison. gave up carbonated sugar drinks for carbonated water. fit my pants 34X32 pants again.
My computer conked out and i slapped the hard drive a couple times and it works again. literally. If i disappear i will be invest money and be back so dont be a wurry wort , i love you too skeptoid.
If you weren't so pro Pedophilia with Milo yianopouluos id i respect you more.
also if you weren't so pro Nazi regime (soldiers that fought them still survive) Id very much support you. Nazi fucktards are not "very fine people".
Its disgusting that people like Putte are pro Nazi.
(Old Spike)
People who used to fight the Nazis? Are you talking about Simone Gorka's family? Somehow I manage to put one foot in front of the other without your support, but dangling it in front of me like that is just cruel.
So what proof are we waiting for this time? Seriously I'm not up to speed.
(Long Spike)
Wait........you are seriously talking about Sebastian Gorka, as someone who fought the nazis???????? He lies constantly, has links to the nazis, wears a bogus medal, his bullshit is legendary, lies about his education, and a lot of other bizarre things. Gorka is a complete maggot. Pick someone else. Jesus.
Gorka is bizarre. He went on the BBC,criticizing Rex Tillerson. A few days later, that fact was reported. He then went on Fox News and screamed that his criticism of Tillerson was "Fake news." This guy is a loaded gun in the hands of a blind psychopath.
(Old Spike)
Ya that Gorka guy who's family survived Hitler and Stalin - the one you're always smearing. Is that who Duckling is talking about?
(Old Spike)
Oh I get it - you guys are doing that thing again that makes you feel good but hurts your cause. That autistic thing. Cool cool.
(Long Spike)
You are seriously sucking off Gorka? What bizarro world are you in? Gorka is a well-known fraud in the intelligence community. Trump even realized he had to shitcan this moron because he was going to bring nothing but derision. Are you two related or something? Seriously, I just don't understand your support of this con artist. Research his "Trump University-style", PhD which he demands being called "Doctor" from. IT'S A FUCKING JOKE!!!!! Spend a half hour researching this fraud and you will either think differently or there is just no hope for you.
(Old Spike)
I offered no opinion about whether he's an intelligence dude or not. I did research his family history though - I was prompted to do so by accusations that he wore that pin as a proud Nazi. When everyone is being called a Nazi, finding an actual one is like finding a needle in a haystack, so I wanted to know if Trump had actually hired one. Based on the family history and context seems like he came from a strong family that survived two genocidal wars/dictators. Unless his family history is fake, Gorka is not a Nazi. Was he supposed to be an intelligence expert? I thought he was a media attack dog - seemed like he was always out there yelling at CNN. Like I said I don't really follow the hysterical anti-Trump stuff that closely because I don't watch CNN or any of the networks. I haven't had cable since 2005.
I'm now up to speed on this dead soldier phone call story. Trump bragged about being the best dead soldier phone call President and set himself up for a smooth gotcha moment from a anti-Trump congresswoman who sat ready to listen in on the prescheduled call by Trump to one of four family members. She said she only heard a portion of the call but I think it's more likely she selectively heard the portion she could best make pie out of by applying the worst possible interpretation of the meaning behind the words that had been recommended to Trump. Both have taken something sacred and pissed and shit all over it in a horrifyingly degrading spectacle that the media has helped amplify and sustain.
We all know the truth now anyway. It took CNN almost a year but they finally got the Russia election hack story right when they revealed how Russia had used Pokemon to support BLM in stoking racial tensions with progressive messaging across the United States. Who could have known it at the time? We made fun of Pokemon - we all thought it was a joke. But it made you and BabyDuckling, and Berg and the "rest of us", post all that racially-charged left-wing stuff, it made me expend energy explaining how retarded you both were while the real villain laughed behind the curtain, and it whipped the pro-Trump people into a frenzy of racist backlashing that continues to this day. In hindsight it's perfectly clear, especially when you look at his view count today, that all of the strife and confusion in the US is the work of one brilliant Russian intelligence operation, and one operative in particular:
(Long Spike)
Proof (noun)
(Long Spike)
Proof would be the audio recording of the conversation he made from the whitehouse. We aren't going to hear it, because it is very personal to the surviving family members. To release the conversation he had with them to prove a point is absolutely petty and just tacky/disrespectful. The fact that he mentioned this, and she hasn't said another word about it and completely shifted gears speaks volumes. Basically, the threat was laid down, that he was willing to be disrespectful to the family and air a private conversation because her lying bitch mouth was already moving to irrepairable damage. I am glad he has done it, because the "gotcha" dems, would have had a media field day with him airing private matters of discussion.
Trump took the high road on this.
(Long Spike)
WOW! That was some Wonder Woman-level spin right there. Amazing.
"Trump took the high road." That is beautiful right there.
You seriously don't think Trump would come out in an instant with recordings? You are one sad, easily conned individual.
(Old Spike)
Wasn't BabyDuckling the one who used this "mother raping argument" against me?
You should consider letting it go when it doesn't work after the fifth time.
I'm sorry this is not your post so you could delete it. But it seems you would rather just bury the comment section and hope no one catches on.
And I can't be pro nazi, because their actual government is extinct. They lost the war, remember? If you think I'm all about supporting welfare skinheads who are basically collecting trinkets of a dead era, you're wrong.
But I am starting to feel anti-socialist, because their beliefs and ideas are for some reason on the rise again, and might turn into something like the National Socialists of Germany, or Nazis for short, which is what it means.
And again, this weird phenomena of trying to combine countries under one rule, and they're presenting themselves as morally superior to everyone else, and there's no democracy included in the deal as a member country. They have their own flag and symbol. Ugh. Soon even an army I hear. Who would have thought? That people were still this stupid, to keep ignoring the lessons of the past because the language changed? And cencoring history because it's "offensive", which is how Hitler banned a bunch of stuff which kept people in the dark about their reality. How do you not make those comparisons?
Because it's 2017? Because it's "now"?
I'm sad that you'll probably never see it coming.
(Long Spike)