Is this the same oompa loompa mental midget munchkin bagel biter snowflake from the other bagel shop video?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
It appears he has to compensate for his insufficient height somehow.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Well he is the president of the lollypop guild
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
oh shit, fyi, got your email will do sunday morning.
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Dude (Old Spike)
:) yeah we needed a new poll question for a few months now
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NoToucH (Short Spike)
Its kind of pathetic when you still care that much about what other people think or say about your height, when you are a grown up man and have lived with being a semi dwarf all ur life. Get over it. Hope his next video is not going to be some kind of shooting.
(Site Administrator)
wow, so much anger over such a little thing.
(Long Spike)
I’ve a feeling we will see more of this guy .
you must be this tall to go on the ride .
(Old Spike)
You must be this tall for coffee and donut
(Short Spike)
Is this the same oompa loompa mental midget munchkin bagel biter snowflake from the other bagel shop video?
(Old Spike)
It appears he has to compensate for his insufficient height somehow.
(Old Spike)
Well he is the president of the lollypop guild
(Site Administrator)
oh shit, fyi, got your email will do sunday morning.
(Old Spike)
:) yeah we needed a new poll question for a few months now
(Short Spike)
Its kind of pathetic when you still care that much about what other people think or say about your height, when you are a grown up man and have lived with being a semi dwarf all ur life. Get over it. Hope his next video is not going to be some kind of shooting.