Biden asks Allah to overthrow Putin

danman's picture

Putin cannot remain in power, says Biden

Putin will be in power longer than Biden, inshallah


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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

What's with the misleading title, Dan?

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danman's picture

I don't think it's misleading, just a cheeky way to describe what Biden did.

"for God's sake this man cannot stay in power"

that's a prayer to God/Allah hoping/asking for Putin to be removed/overthrown

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

It is a milder version of what a conservative politican begged for. And like Biden or not, of course the psycho (to spell it out for you: i.e. Putin) should not remain in power. I have to agree, though, asking the invisible (and non existant) "big daddy" in the sky for help is pathetic* but I don't think it is how he meant it.


*in the sense of if (a) god(s) existed and they weren't psychopaths with a weird sense of humour but wanted "good" for us humans wars wouldn't exist in the first place.

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danman's picture

Psycho eh? I disagree. I think the wars & "sanctions" cause far more suffering in places like Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia & Afghanistan where 13k children have died just this year during birth due to manutrition caused in large part by the US economic war on the country. Not to mention supporting israel's wars, ethnic cleansing & land theft in Palestine. This is real psycho stuff. They're done purely for imperialist interests & not for security.


Putin's using military force to get a desired political outcome, one that's been requested for many years by Russia & diplomacy has failed. It's a standard issue military conflict confined to one country & there's a decent argument to be made that Russia's protecting itself from an existential threat, unlike all the wars the West has been waging, or the genocides they carry out or support.


On this day 26.3.1999 Russia, along with Belarus and India initiated a resolution to the UN Security Council to stop NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. Out of 15 members of the UN, three voted in support of this resolution (Russia, Namibia and China), while 12 were against: USA, UK, Slovenia, Netherlands, Malaysia, Gambia, Gabon, France, Canada, Brazil, Bahrain and Argentina). Sergei Lavrov was the first to speak, then the Russian ambassador to the UN, and then the now-Minister of Foreign Affairs. On that occasion, he said: "The virus of lawlessness is increasingly taking over the sphere of international relations.”


Do you think the Western bloc should have payed more attention to Lavrov's warning in 1999?


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, keep on sweet talking this shit to yourself. 


Also you shouldn't automatically assume that people that are against the invasion and war crimes in Ukraine automatically are in favour of other (western) wars.


If you keep defending authortarian regimes that limit free speech to an extent that journalists have to flee the country and deliberately targets civillians in their invasion there is discussion to be had with you. 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

"Also you shouldn't automatically assume that people that are against the invasion and war crimes in Ukraine automatically are in favour of other (western) wars."


But thats how whataboutism works


.  whataboutism

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danman's picture

"Also you shouldn't automatically assume that people that are against the invasion and war crimes in Ukraine automatically are in favour of other (western) wars."

which western leader(s) do you consider "psycho"?

do the ones currently faciliting the Saudi war on Yemen count?

the ones who stole Afghanistan's foreign reserves after waging a 20 year war on the country where 90% of the victims of drone attacks were civilian? (and the man who exposed this detail was locked up)

how about the ones who have their forces occupying the economic heartland of Syria while waging economic war on the country? psycho or nah?

let's see a list of which major world leaders you consider psycho in order of most to least.



"If you keep defending authortarian regimes that limit free speech to an extent that journalists have to flee the country and deliberately targets civillians in their invasion there is discussion to be had with you."

um....okay? so have the discussion?

if you want we can talk on Discord where it's not so limited, we can thrash this out & see where our principles stand, since that's what you're getting at here. I see it as just another way you're crying like a baby because you don't like what I've said & really don't have a valid counter-argument so you try for character assassination like a typical shitlib. Let me know if you wanna have the discussion, I'll send a link so we can chat in realtime.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Look, these "conversations" with you remind me so much of talking about islamistic extremism to ninjizz (or mask wearing and vaccines to the other nutters), he also loved to divert to what he thought to be "atheist" and other religions' atrocities (of course some of which exist) and blew the comparisons completely out of proportion. 


So as I'm not wasting my time with the deluded I am not discussing shit with you (I may point out your delusions though).

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danman's picture

you have nothing of substance to say

all you ever do is weaksauce ad hom & occasional moral outrage

it's mainly because you're ignorant on geopolitics but you shouldn't try so hard to cover it up imo

just don't swallow so many blue pills, it's better to be uninformed than misinformed

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

ikr, me and everybody else who disagrees with you suffer the same condition. you are a weird mix between skeptoid and ninjizz, a danjizztoid so to say.....

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danman's picture

ad hom from someone with nothing of substance to say. yawn.

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danman's picture

Allah says no

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