Biden Concedes


thegent's picture
Discord user

he messes up a lot but he has a come back quick enough..most of the time..they were mostly cut here but he usually realises it pretty quick and has a come back..but overall its not a good sign..

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Fucking hillarious, video made by trumptards that makes trump look a complete retard in comparison!

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Dagambit's picture

mentioning Trump in every post is a sign of TDS. 


You may want to get that looked at. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

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stokkebye's picture

Do you think his staffers give him ice-cream and make him sit down in front of a tv watching cartoons after an event?

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monkeymania's picture

We need a stable genius! MAGA!



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