Biden Doesnt Know About Brandon


stokkebye's picture

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Not a single president is good enough because they have to pick sides left or right, there is no middle balance in America

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Pdub's picture

Biden knew.  That's why he tried to find out where his home was.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

he's feeling the heat now

the company he works for(his parents) is getting review bombed. they set their website to private. they got the companies ppp loan(430k for only 5 employees) and political donation history(to trump, even after he lost the election) posted on twitter. i've had some awkward christmas holdays but i can't imagine what his is like

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stokkebye's picture

For most there is a huge disconnect from the internet and reality. Its like upsetting the snowflakes in this site and getting downvoted, who cares. In a few days there will be a new shinny thing for the tards to focus on.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i don''t think you know how the internet works. letsgojared is trending on twitter. he just went on steve bannons podcast. a few days ago he said he wasn't a trumper, he wasn't that simple minded. well, today he wore a maga hat and said the election was stolen. if your experiences here were an example of the internet. do you think people are going to move on or ocassionaly bring it up?

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