blacks benefited from slavery

sal9000's picture

DeSantis Trade School

the lincoln project's been putting out some bangers the last few days

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boldfart's picture


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boldfart's picture


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boldfart's picture

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boldfart's picture

Having difficulty posting a page here.  Perhaps someone could help by erasing my cockups?

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boldfart's picture
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boldfart's picture

The Barbary slave trade involved slave markets in the Barbary States. European slaves were acquired by Barbary pirates in slave raids on ships and by raids on coastal towns from Italy to the NetherlandsIreland and the southwest of Britain, as far north as Iceland and into the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Ottoman Eastern Mediterranean was the scene of intense piracy.[1] As late as the 18th century, piracy continued to be a "consistent threat to maritime traffic in the Aegean".[2]


Turk and clergyman with Christian slaves. Jan Luyken, 1684

Robert Davis estimates that slave traders from TunisAlgiers, and Tripoli enslaved 1 million to 1.25 million Europeans in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th century.

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Pdub's picture

You know you can edit your posts, right?  In case you make a mistake.

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Sempaliscious's picture

“We need to tell the people’s stories the way they told their stories, not to fit our expectations,” said William Allen, co-author of the Florida curriculum.


Oh yeah, the authors of the curriculum were black. All 13 of them. Ron Desantis had nothing to do with it. 


See, the problem with you, Sal, is you don't care about the truth, you only care about your perspective and your end goals. That's why, over time, your tactics don't work because lies need to be protected by more lies and more lies and more lies, which creates a house of cards that even a toddler can blow over.


How's Hunter Biden's laptop going, huh? How's Joe Biden going? Gee, you'd hate for democrat IRS whistleblowers and other sources to bring evidence to expose that Joe was in on the influence-peddling the whole time.. That'd be bad, huh? 


You are so boring and predictable. And you're so dedicated to your indoctrination that you'll defend the narrative of people who hate you - the democrats, the news. They hate you. They don't want to help you, they just want to control you. That's it. 


Anyways.. haha funny videos *NPC voice*..


You're right too, that the idea that someone in slavery, despite all the odds, was able to take that evil experience and make something good for themselves? Well, that's just condoning slavery, right? You are a moron. Heroes aren't people who had it easy, they're the people that take the worst possible situations and somehow make good out of it. The story of those slaves that used the skills they learned in slavery to better their own lives is a heroic story ABOUT THOSE THAT WERE SLAVES, NOT ABOUT SLAVERY. 


“The stories of the people who lived through the history, they have a right to tell the story in their own words, and what we have provided for is the telling of those stories as they themselves told it,” Allen said. Quick Sal, better go tell the descendants of slaves that their forebears were liars and that they don't know their own story as well as you know it.


You incredible baffoon.




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jdt73's picture

I couldn't agree more.

Now wait for SALLY101 to start whingeing about the spiked hierarchy and how you are not ranked enough to comment and finally SALLY101 will trawl through your past comments to find anything that could be used to imply you as inconsistent or whatever SALLY101 thinks is relevant.

It is realy the funniest thing I think I have seen in ages.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

ron desantis. the governor of florida, the guy who appoints people to the florida board of education, who in turn approve or reject curriculums based on what ron says? the ron desantis that said he'd have the board block an african american studies and then had them do that. you're saying that ron desantis has nothing to do with this?


the black guy put out a statement

the names listed here. one of them isn't real. a good portion of them were never slaves and a few of them were kids when they were freed. even then, the idea that people benefit from skills that were forced upon them under the premise that if they didn't learn them, they'd be punished by things worse than death before being killed. is unquestionably retarded


kind of hard to say my tactics don't work when you're here doing what this post was intended to instigate. just appreciate how your picking up the slack from the one guy who's not allowed to be here. here's something funny. a year ago i sent your name along with 2 others to someone

i got 2 out 3 right now. bud, you were weighed and measured before you even came into this post

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jdt73's picture

You freely admit that you are so pathetic that you try to get other users banned and worse yet you are claiming credit for some who were?


Thanks sally-buthurt, that shit is solid GOLD.

I surprised you haven't been kicked off for pestering the admins with you incessant complaining, but I would never suggest to an admin that you need to be taken down a peg because that would make me a little bitch, just like you


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

that wasn't sent to the admin. donations with msgs come up as clickable links to the user you sent it to. thats why you see an address to a user in the bottom left. i kind of feel as though you wouldn't have said those things if you had known. so you want to take a mulligan?

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jdt73's picture

Mulligan? Shit no.

" Now wait for SALLY101 to start whingeing about the spiked hierarchy and how you are not ranked enough to comment and finally SALLY101 will trawl through your past comments to find anything that could be used to imply you as inconsistent or whatever SALLY101 thinks is relevant. "

But you are more than welcome to take another swing.

This is going to be good.

You and dumb-bitch talking behind my back? I don't care! I knew you would! You guys a like school girls, predictable as ever.


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

conversation happened in public, sent the names in private. more like i was talking about you in front of you but you didn't know it

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jdt73's picture

Wow ! You are like a Ninja!

Shadow warrior, your stealthy mightiness has me completely bored.

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Sempaliscious's picture



I'm still stuck on the fact that Sal is so racist that he thinks that black people aren't resourceful enough to take even the most horrifying situation and make something positive come out of it. But, please, go on and tell us all how you know Black history better than Black professors. 


Thanks for posting their comment and then showing your inability to grasp the concept that a victimhood mindset is poison. The left's whole plan is to assemble all the different groups/classes/races under the banner of "the oppressed" to bring about societal change. The last thing we'd want those blackies to think would be that they can and do overcome even the worst situations.. that there is power in positive solidarity rather than collective victimhood. Most of my family was killed in the Netherlands by the Nazis, all 4 of my grandparents served in WW2 (one in WW2, Korea and Vietnam), and one set of grandparents fled Europe for a new start. If I say the end result, for my family, was a positive good, that doesn't mean I think WW2 or the Holocaust was good, you absolute imbecile. It means that I'm proud of those grandparents who went through hell (one of them in a labour camp for the duration of the war) AND stil managed to make something positive out of that shitty situation. Grow up.


See, because you're a bigot and an ideologue, you can't handle the murky greys of reality. You know, the harsh reality that there really are very few complete villains, victims, or heroes. There are just complicated people doing what they perceive to be right. As we move forward in history, we make absolute statements about people and events that were far from absolute. Most of history is messy.


I do love how you hand-wave the work of professors by just saying stuff, without proof or supporting documentation. Lemme guess, a left-wing organisation said those people didn't exist, right? I bet Media Guard even ranks that news outlet highly. WOW! So reliable. 


As for you trying to get me banned or whatever.. Go ahead.. If I turn up and this account is gone, I'll shrug. I watch maybe 1 or 2 videos here every few months. That's it. Oh please, please don't threaten my ability to watch the dribble you post! Oh what will I do?!?!?!


Yawn. You're so boring and predictable. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

I would add a small addendum. "Historically Oppressed."  Since the past can never be changed, this grift can be perpetuated infinitely. 

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