Helium, earth is running out, this is stupid! We have boats, wtf! Helium you buy today, you buy at a -1000% of what it's worth. No one cares.... untill it's gone!.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Helium in these aircraft is not lost (except some leakage maybe).
Maybe it would be a good idea to use a gas that could be used as fuel at the same time, for example to power fuel cells, like for example hydrogen. That would be a great idea.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
It's helium.....there will be leakage! It would have to be covered it materials we can't produce yet to prevent it. Can't impress upon you just how precious this element is and how we need it for everything!
It's a major global concern.... yet.... heheheheheh
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Will be interesting to see what comes off of this. There have been many attempts in the past to make this a viable means of transport, all pretty much failed.
(Old Spike)
Helium, earth is running out, this is stupid! We have boats, wtf! Helium you buy today, you buy at a -1000% of what it's worth. No one cares.... untill it's gone!.
(Old Spike)
Helium in these aircraft is not lost (except some leakage maybe).
Maybe it would be a good idea to use a gas that could be used as fuel at the same time, for example to power fuel cells, like for example hydrogen. That would be a great idea.
(Old Spike)
It's helium.....there will be leakage! It would have to be covered it materials we can't produce yet to prevent it. Can't impress upon you just how precious this element is and how we need it for everything!
It's a major global concern.... yet.... heheheheheh
(Old Spike)
Will be interesting to see what comes off of this. There have been many attempts in the past to make this a viable means of transport, all pretty much failed.