“I’m a gender professor” -while wearing clown makeup
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Dude (Old Spike)
Just got banned from LGBT on reddit :)
I just posted
Analysis Of Gay
From a young age we form our conception of what we are and what we want also which sex we prefer to partner with, this could be influenced or skewed by our early experiences, some one who you like to become as seems to be attractive in some way to you, this is a deep urge to be succesful sexualy...that is what we call instinct.
If a boy want's to be like the mother and mirrors itself to a female it could lead to scewed sexual preference with all grades like gay or trans,... this is just an example none 2 are alike, and it is not that common, but does happen that a childs self image gets scewed by experience and want.
Therefore i think it is important not to shield children from the secret we call intercourse, in some cases having a gay child can be prevented by forming a want in the child towards certain sexual atributes, a child who has never seen breasts uncovered might think they are stupid, to say it in childrens terms.
The want of it can be formed in 2 ways,
-Wanting to be like it.
-Owning it like greedily coveting owning some one elses (object) or in this case body part.
Though it can be scewed in many ways just look at the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" though fiction owning other ppl's skin for instance is an extreme form of it.
In the end it does not matter, if their perception as a kid was scewed, because not one is without scewed perception or beliefs.
Everyone was so defensive and i don't think they understood a word i said then they banned me, i now have 0 reddit points :)
The point i was trying to make was early experience steers us in directions, at the same time it looked like a great troll post, but i was serious :)
(Old Spike)
Just got banned from LGBT on reddit :)
I just posted
Analysis Of Gay
From a young age we form our conception of what we are and what we want also which sex we prefer to partner with, this could be influenced or skewed by our early experiences, some one who you like to become as seems to be attractive in some way to you, this is a deep urge to be succesful sexualy...that is what we call instinct.
If a boy want's to be like the mother and mirrors itself to a female it could lead to scewed sexual preference with all grades like gay or trans,... this is just an example none 2 are alike, and it is not that common, but does happen that a childs self image gets scewed by experience and want.
Therefore i think it is important not to shield children from the secret we call intercourse, in some cases having a gay child can be prevented by forming a want in the child towards certain sexual atributes, a child who has never seen breasts uncovered might think they are stupid, to say it in childrens terms.
The want of it can be formed in 2 ways,
-Wanting to be like it.
-Owning it like greedily coveting owning some one elses (object) or in this case body part.
Though it can be scewed in many ways just look at the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" though fiction owning other ppl's skin for instance is an extreme form of it.
In the end it does not matter, if their perception as a kid was scewed, because not one is without scewed perception or beliefs.
Everyone was so defensive and i don't think they understood a word i said then they banned me, i now have 0 reddit points :)
The point i was trying to make was early experience steers us in directions, at the same time it looked like a great troll post, but i was serious :)