Don't know the back story here, but the guy is getting his ass haded to him and still tell the other guy to go fuck himself.
It's probably what I would have done too.
(6 votes)
Don't know the back story here, but the guy is getting his ass haded to him and still tell the other guy to go fuck himself.
It's probably what I would have done too.
(Short Spike)
That was depressing to watch
(Long Spike)
He possibly could have handled that better
(Old Spike)
seems to be taking it too far but there could be a bigger issue, such as the guy needing to make a payment or something today, and the boss being an asshole isn'T just being an asshole but actually costing the guy his house. just a guess, all i mean is don't assume.
(Old Spike)
boss said 'welcome to my world..i gotta wait too' I would think the boss didnt have the cash to pay and the worker is demanding it..sometimes you do the work and people dont pay and everybody in the company suffers as a result..including the boss..thats what i got from the bosses statement..the other guy was just name calling and punching..suprised nobody stepped in to separate them though..maybe the boss is a dick and deserved it.. i dunno..