These are the Nazis that 30,000 people showed up to silence.
The rally was shut down by the Boston authorities about 90 minutes after it started & they didn't let a lot of the protestors in. Even organised speakers were not allowed into the "free speech zone".
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
Some cowardly attacks did occur...
This one starts at 18:00... elderly lady gets her flag taken from her & dragged to the ground in the process
This Trump supporter gets roughed up (VOLUME WARNING)
(Old Spike)
The entire world thinks that there were a bunch of nazis in that little group.
While most of them were actually genuinly protesting in favor of free speech.
And the guy with the megaphone is Indian-American.
They're holding "black lives DO matter" posters for God's sake.
Mobs decide the truth in a world without context.
(Old Spike)
I know, I know you want proof. Here you go:
(Old Spike)
Fucking embed point system BS
(Old Spike)
That's the same video wtf. fuck it. Top video... Watch it.
There's black people there. Asians. Black Lives DO Matter signs.
Boston must be proud.
(Old Spike)
Just donated u some points so you should now be able to embed YT into the source of comments. It's just the normal embed code now, not the XHTML one.
(Old Spike)
Hey thanks man.
I was really drunk and thought I had found your original post somewhere else.
Great post.