North Carolina, in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence 3 days ago, looters were confronted by a local news reporter.
The store management had asked cops to stand down, which they did initially but since have made 5 arrests in relation to the looting.
NC has recorded over 30" in rain, causing flooding up to 9' high.
Damage from Florence is estimated at $20+ billion. Katrina (largest hurricane on record in US) caused $100 billion in damage.
View of the 500 mile-wide hurricane from space
(6 votes)
(Old Spike)
This is good live news reporting. Too bad reporters like her can't walk around like that in the midst of a Bilderberg or CFR conference and do similar-style reporting.
(Short Spike)
Is there a lot of looting at Bilderberg?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Racist heaven!
Go on boys, I am waiting in anticipation! Let's start with genetics, whaddaya think?
(Short Spike)
What I don't understand is how did your culture end up like this?
People looting when given the oppertunity. Chaos and people being trampled to death during mass discounts such as Black Friday. People being killed every day, over the smallest issues - if any at all.
As a kid I had a dream of moving to the US, but now as a grown up I would never consider it.
I'm not saying every citizen of USA is like this - the same way not every man is a sex offender and should be shamed under the #MeToo movement - it just amazes me how the fuck you people can't get this burning pile of anarchy you call a country up and running. You have so many resources and clever people. Your culture is simply garbage.
I'm sorry for offending you guys. You know I love my fellow users of Spiked, but come on. The entire world is both laughing at your country, and feeling sorry for your obvious lack of decency and control. :/
(Short Spike)
Imagine that every single person that voted for trump (and add those that didn't but still supported him or a republican ticket) shares these awful values you listed.
Now imagine that the other half of the country that didn't vote for trump shares the exact opposite values, are helpful, friendly, kind, like to share, respect people, etc. All those millions would be enough to form a bunch of european countries (and indeed they do and they're called states).
Tv news is not life and I despise generalizations as data points.
(Long Spike)
How dare those racist white reporters misrepresent blacks by filming them carrying unpaid for products out of a ransacked store! Shame on you, white people, for perpetuating stereotypes!