These are the new rules for professional men:
Do not meet with a female colleague or subordinate in private - never close the door.
If you can, record all interactions with female colleagues or subordinates that occur in private.
Never let a female colleague take you into a closed room for a private conversation that is not recorded - avoid it altogether if possible.
If a female colleague or subordinate asks to meet you in a public place (like a Starbucks) to discuss concerns about the "work environment" or "workplace politics" or anything in that orbit refuse the meeting. If you cannot refuse then ensure you record the conversation.
Have 5000-10000 dollars put away in an account specifically for litigation purposes. The instant you suspect you've been targeted by a neomarxist smear job begin the preliminary formal steps to sue the company you work at and all individuals in question - make it clear and known that you will proceed - have the lawyer on standby ready to push the button the instant it is needed.
DO NOT, under any circumstance, invite business office coworkers to your home, get invovled in their personal lives to any degree, or allow them to involve themselves in your personal life. DO NOT share your online interests, political stances, etc. Remember, a postmodern neomarxist "activist" will side-step up to you with a big smile, clap their hand on your shoulder, ask you how things are going, and then jam a metaphorical knife into your back with that smile never leaving their face. They are righteous warriors for the downtrodden, and because you are not onboard with their cult beliefs you are a valid target.
When you are hiring, find a way to determine whether the person you are hiring is someone who believes in "equity" or "equality" - this can be tricky. You can't let them know that you're trying to confirm whether or not they are a company virus - they could sue you for that. To the extent that you think you've got a live one on the line, always err on the side of "don't hire". NEVER GIVE THE REAL REASON FOR WHY YOU DON'T HIRE OR FIRE A SUSPECTED NEOMARXIST - you're not obligated to. Just say it was "restructuring" and for no-hires just say that you went in a different direction.
Best of luck out there guys....
(Short Spike)
When ever you see someone having fun at a party write their name down because that means they are give you a life time pass to stick your dick them ever time you see them bend over at work....oh and No is just a suggestion
(Old Spike)
So you're saying be like the night club shooter guy?
Thats alot of work just do unto others as they do so ruin their lives