bring a knife to a gunfight


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

should have gotten a gun for home protection, that may have scared away the intruders.


And the 2nd video is proof that women are useless as beat cops, even if they shave their heads and are referred to by their colleagues as "him".

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

would you win in a fight against amanda nunes?




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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Of course, any scumbag can beat any woman.

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danmanjones's picture

Why do American cops fire so many rounds into people like that?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Depending on adrenaln and drug levels the attacker may keep up the momentum for quite a bit even if seriously injured by a single shot. Also firing a pistol is not like in the movies or a video game, hitting a target in a stressful situation is very difficult, whilst moving even more. Considering how badly trained american cops generally are I am not surprised by that at all.

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MADMAN-_-zZ's picture

A lot of people claiming he fired too many shots on youtubes comments too, at the end of the day the guy refused to cooperate and was threatening with a deadly weapon, what happens if you shoot him once and he drops then you walk over to cuff or take the knife and he stabs you, why risk your life any more then you have too, if you do this day in and out you have to watch out for your own safety and if they put your life or someone else's in danger you have to neutralize the threat effectively, not shoot him in the leg and hope he gives up.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

They gave him what he asked for?

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stokkebye's picture

I dont see a problem at all with how many rounds he put into him and I fucking hate cops. Just put yourself in the officers shoes, guy with a knife wants to harm you, is advancing and wants to die, what do you do? Fire one shot, aim for the leg and hope he stops or hope you make a hit? No! you pump him full of lead. 

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skeptoid's picture

They are trained to kill when they fire their guns.

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Trevicahn's picture

The logic goes like this; You only use your firearm if you intend to kill them. If you intend to kill them, then you empty the whole magazine to ensure they're dead.   This guy only had a knife, but imagine if he had a small pistol. You dont want them able to do some kind of "take them with me" type of revenge while they appear incapacitated. 


In addition being hit with bullets isn't super obvious. There isn't much blood to start as the hot bullet will cauterize the wound as it enters. So in a chaotic situation like this its hard to tell if you even hit him. Also, police accuracy generally goes below 10% in situations like this.  So theres a solid chance they only hit him a couple of times. 

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