Well.......a beatdown ADMINISTERED by a girl. If you're the boy, it's a beatdown you never recover from and with the internet, noone will let you forget it (you never would anyway). The girl does not take well to the punch in the back at :14 and the look she gets is that look that a female gets that can only result in a win for any opponent if they run as fast as they can.
(17 votes)
(Long Spike)
Why is there a video of child abuse on SpikedNation.com?
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Are you familiar with Philly D's Daddy O'Five coverage?
In this video it's an adult having two children fight where one ends up crying. Certainly these children could say "no" to physical violence, right? A child is getting harmed to the point of crying and an adult is filming it, laughing, and posting it on Youtube. Let me know where I'm making my illogical and unreasonable leap in thinking.
(Old Spike)
Ya your perception is all fucked up. There are no children crying in this video. There are children laughing, having fun, and learning about how to put on a pair of gloves and go a few rounds. You are sometimes such a mystery to me - kids need to wrestle and roll around and learn how to get hurt and be tough about it.
Otherwise they risk growing up and getting sucked into some sacred victim group around which the social justice activists can circle so they can feel good about themselves. We need much less of that. It's even more important to teach young girls to throw a punch or two - may come in handy some day when they need to jam their keys into some freak's eyes.
(Old Spike)
Also, I am going out on a limb to say Grothesk doesn't have children (that you've raised). Because if you had kids this age, you would be absolutely numb to them pounding on each other. So filming it and putting on Youtube would be equivalent thought energy to filming yourself walking down the street and catching a car rear-end another.
"Oh that was entertaining, I should put it on YT."
Literally this is my life right now.
(Long Spike)
So this video is children abuse: https://youtu.be/EirccvmfdLI?t=3m24s
But the one above isn't...despite them being the same thing.
You're the one bending over backwards and using as much mental gymnastics as possible. And GKhan, I have 17 kids. Or I have 1 kid. Or I have none. Or I'm a brain in a jar. Irrelevant of what I am, I can reflect upon reality, which is what I'm doing. Me having 0, 1, 14, or 143 kids is fully irrelevant.
(Old Spike)
I don't have any kids, which has no bearing on the fact that I think you're being silly. Those kids never looked like they were having fun in all of the clips I saw - they always looked anxious, stressed, conscious of the camera and essentially working hard as unpaid child labor for some insensitive and neglectful moron's enrichment.
And then we have two kids wearing boxing gloves, giggling and romping around under the close supervision of their father or some male relative. Do you see the difference?
What about the gloves? Does that make a difference to you? They have boxing clubs in standard security prisons for a reason. The gloves make a difference - it's totally different from striking with bare fists if you haven't tried it before. As a teen I boxed with my brother a few times and I remember thinking how cool it was that we could just wail on each other for a bit and no one gets cut really bad or hurt, or angry - just excercise. Until he caught me one day with a real hard cross and I felt the knees buckle thing for the first time: Interesting sensation - just as Joe Rogan describes it. It's not pain it's hard to explain - it's woah I'm going, every thing gets distant like in the boxing movies and there's the loud pinging sound. I tried to find the specific Rogan clip but no luck.
(Long Spike)
I'm going to ask what I guess is a controversial question: should kids be boxing?
(Short Spike)
Only if they want to
(Old Spike)
I would lean more on bad parenting; or at least from my socio-economic perspective.
As for not having kids, then prove me wrong. Find a way to prove why you think the video is not child abuse. What circumstances would this be ok in?
(Short Spike)
I lost an arm wrestle to a girl in grade 3 and I thank god everyday there was no internet in '95
(Long Spike)
I got kicked in the balls in 6th grade by a girl because I made an asshole remark-I went down like a ton of bricks, then spent years as "The guy who got beat up by a girl." Devastating. The internet could have made it a permanent thing.
(Old Spike)
I was challenged to an arm wrestle when I was 15 and working in the fish department at Loeb IGA. The guy working in produce next door was about 21 and thought he would easily beat me. I played competitive hockey and had really overdeveloped forearms from that - I beat him easily.
He was so devastated that he started taking steroids and lifting weights every day. After about three months he had ballooned into this hideous thing and his entire body was covered in acne (I can only guess how tiny his balls were at that point). He challenged me again and we arm wrestled and he beat me after some time. I shrugged - good for you. He was like "Yeah! Yeah bitch wooo! Woooooooooo! Yeah you're my bitch now yeah! Wooo! Woohoo!"
It was one of the saddest, most pathetic things I've ever seen. Even to this day.
(Old Spike)
I once got started lightly wrestling with a friend's female friend at a party then realized that she might actually win so started putting some effort into it but I was a too late, she pinned me down. It was awesome!
(Old Spike)
Discovered a bug where I have the power to give anyone, under the right conditions, as many points as I want in 25 point increments. I will report this bug to the bugmasters immediately.