Shocking moment in Brazil when a husband shoots a burglar running towards his wife, sending the criminal head-first into the swimming pool.
I know where I live, I might go to jail if I was the shooter unless the burglar opened fire. Otherwise, I would be a murderer.
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
Where you live is obvious cucked. And no you would not be a murderer.
(Long Spike)
Context is everything eh.
I'm no legal expert in anyway/shape or form. But if you ever find yourself in a situation where you or your loved ones are in danger from someone wanting to do them/yourself harm. You can use equal or lesser force.
But if you want to end up like the innocent family in a Rob Zombie movie whilst your dealing with the moral conundrum of 'do I or don't I', you go ahead.
(Long Spike)
Oh I'm gunning the charging person down, no question. It's just that in NY, if he has a cellphone in his hands rather than what I thought was a weapon or even if he has an unloaded gun or something, I'm not 100% sure I wouldn't do time for it. We had a discussion in the neighborhood and noone is a gun fanatic but everyone is licensed to carry with either shotguns or pistols in house. Everyone agrees they would shoot to kill someone invading their home while we all agree it might mean jail.
I'd like to not have to have a gun but there are too many criminals with them.