Buy a computer in 1994

Dude's picture

What It Was Like To Buy A Computer In 1994

Apparently you can play video off the harddrive :)

same year playstation came out.

Average: 4.8 (4 votes)


skeptoid's picture

Bought my first computer with paper route money in 1989. It was a IBM 386-25hz and it cost me $3500. I used it surf the local BBS system, play Wing Commander II, and later to play Falcon 3.0 and then Falcon 3.1 with some careful reallocation of memory space from monochrome to the game by dinking around with config.sys and autoexec.bat in DOS. I also had a head start on Word Processing programs like Wordperfect.


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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

i still have my c64.

it's in the cupboard with the possum.

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pharb's picture

lol it's the possum's c64 now

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