^from 2016
There are tent cities and encampments everywhere in California.
Average: 3(5 votes)
danmanjones (Old Spike)
It's fucking wierd that Tucker Carlson, of all people, is doing some of the better shows in US establishment media lately. He was such a war-cheerleading whackjob during Bush's term.
Lately he's had some decent guest like Glenn Greenwald & Jordan Peterson & when he hosted John Bolton he politely pointed out what a warmongering psycho he is. Maybe his orders are to capture the less ignorant Fox viewers.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Maybe he's sick of it all and is actually doing his job, like that guy in chicago that busts squaters and other shady activities. I like that gonzo style journalism. Unfortunatly, everything we get here in the states is filtered with an agenda and a bias.
Whoa, you got me to engage. I usually post and watch the poo fly across the room.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
It's hard to know how much influence Tucker has on his show or why he appears to be stepping outside the GOP party lines. I suspect he's there to cover the libertarian-leaning right who are fairly well-informed. I don't really pay any attention to Western media, it's all either clickbait crap or transparent propaganda.
If you put some time into studying how propaganda works, who owns & controls the media companies (board members, not cooky stuff like 'globalist bankers'), and who contols US foreign policy... then look at what their financial/political interests are, then you can look at Western media & somewhat de-filter it.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
wait wanted by this guy?
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Oh, hah.
No, it's I.C.E. Stands for 'Immigration and Customs Enforcement'. And they capture these guys.
Wait, wrong aliens... These kinds of aliens.
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subroutine (Old Spike)
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andypeterson35 (Short Spike)
Who would want to be homeless in California ?
Oh wait
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
I do. I'm secretly jelly and spend much of my time on Google Earth and Property/Land sites trying to find a place to make my own, cheap or free-like. I've had an itch to hit the road without my usual camping routine, gonna get me an Excursion so I look like a soccer mom.
This gnome has been out there much of his 34 years. Seen almost every state through camping, surf trips and being a roadie. I def get it, just be safe yo. LMK if you're hurting for anything this summer, mang.
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andypeterson35 (Short Spike)
Thanks lawn
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hellyeah (Old Spike)
fake news everythings fine.....here look
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
California is probably one of the best states to be homeless in. Beautiful climate, no shelter required. Just avoid certain areas that are crime ridden, sleep on the beach and work a part time job for food and smoke.
With a plan like that you can even do your duty and pay taxes.
(Old Spike)
It's fucking wierd that Tucker Carlson, of all people, is doing some of the better shows in US establishment media lately. He was such a war-cheerleading whackjob during Bush's term.
Lately he's had some decent guest like Glenn Greenwald & Jordan Peterson & when he hosted John Bolton he politely pointed out what a warmongering psycho he is. Maybe his orders are to capture the less ignorant Fox viewers.
(Long Spike)
Maybe he's sick of it all and is actually doing his job, like that guy in chicago that busts squaters and other shady activities. I like that gonzo style journalism. Unfortunatly, everything we get here in the states is filtered with an agenda and a bias.
https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/new/ is pretty much the best you can do for yourself, yeah?
Whoa, you got me to engage. I usually post and watch the poo fly across the room.
(Old Spike)
It's hard to know how much influence Tucker has on his show or why he appears to be stepping outside the GOP party lines. I suspect he's there to cover the libertarian-leaning right who are fairly well-informed. I don't really pay any attention to Western media, it's all either clickbait crap or transparent propaganda.
If you put some time into studying how propaganda works, who owns & controls the media companies (board members, not cooky stuff like 'globalist bankers'), and who contols US foreign policy... then look at what their financial/political interests are, then you can look at Western media & somewhat de-filter it.
(Site Administrator)
wait wanted by this guy?
(Long Spike)
Oh, hah.

No, it's I.C.E. Stands for 'Immigration and Customs Enforcement'. And they capture these guys.
Wait, wrong aliens... These kinds of aliens.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
Who would want to be homeless in California ?
Oh wait
(Long Spike)
I do. I'm secretly jelly and spend much of my time on Google Earth and Property/Land sites trying to find a place to make my own, cheap or free-like. I've had an itch to hit the road without my usual camping routine, gonna get me an Excursion so I look like a soccer mom.
This gnome has been out there much of his 34 years. Seen almost every state through camping, surf trips and being a roadie. I def get it, just be safe yo. LMK if you're hurting for anything this summer, mang.
(Short Spike)
Thanks lawn
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
California is probably one of the best states to be homeless in. Beautiful climate, no shelter required. Just avoid certain areas that are crime ridden, sleep on the beach and work a part time job for food and smoke.
With a plan like that you can even do your duty and pay taxes.