California Ranked Last In Quality Of Life


lawngnome's picture

-It is expensive to live in this consumerist based economy. You get fucked by high cost and carefully structured living options. You can clearly see classes in California, it is designed that way.  -There's taxes, motoring tickets, poor healthcare, a fuckton of bureaucracy, and lots of price hiking ("This item is now $2 more, because fuck you") -Massive tract homes pop up left and right, adding to traffic and overcrowded schools. There's no mom and pop shops anymore because the corporate food chain and item stores that these tract homes bring in need to expand, wiping out/running out all the established businesses in the surrounding areas.  

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PizzaBoi's picture

Sales tax in LA went up 2% in 2 years. Cigarette tax passed adding $2/pack, because they love the poor people so much who actually smoke the most. My ass. Another 15 cent/gallon gas tax a few months ago, and the roads aren't getting any better. State tax revenue is top-heavy, meaning that if a couple thousand more high-earning people move out of CA the state is in huge financial trouble.


Not to mention idiocy such as not building any new reservoirs (even though Republican farmers have been begging for it for years) to keep up with population growth, until the recent drought made everybody wake the fuck up.

He's right. If you're super wealthy or super poor, CA is great. Middle class people get squeezed pretty bad.

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sato's picture

read the study, what they're saying here isn't what was reported at all. california is ranked 32 overall, 11th in healthcare, 26th in education, and 4th in economy, it's mostly their "quality of life" ranking that brings down their total score. they're number 1 in public health, 2nd lowest mortality rate, and 3rd lowest student debt. the only negatives are housing affordability, low voter turnout (one of the parts of the low "quality of life" score), and poor air quality.

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PizzaBoi's picture

Public healthcare comes from Medi-Cal, basically Medicaid public health system. In terms of accessibility and total money spent, yeah it's up there. In terms of on-the-ground quality, it's debatable. Again, paid via high taxes.


26th in education is misleading, It's separated quite highly between a few high-ranked rich districts, and the vast, vast majority of California (the boonies) with shit economies and shit education. You can drive 3 hours, from San Jose to Fresno's outskirts, and quality of life is day and night.


Low voter turnout is basically because everybody here accepts a Democrat is going to win. CA hasn't gone red since Reagan.


Everything else sounds correct though. We have a great CC/JC system that feeds into affordable CSUs and world-class UC system.

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Dhagon's picture

I will absolutely never buy property in this shithole state. Goal is always to pool as much money as possible, live frugaly, and gtfo by moving to a free state at first chance. The fact that I and many people I know unwittingly implemented the term "Free State" into our vernacular in such a nonchalant manner speaks volume about what it is like to actually live here. 

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