Congrats on becoming the user with the most points hehe
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
on one hand i havent till i take pantysoaker by 15k, on the other hand, i've donated thousands of points to users when they couldnt post and i lost about 30k points last year when we lost 6 months of content. so i feel like i haven't and i have been for a while
(Long Spike)
Congrats on becoming the user with the most points hehe
(Old Spike)
on one hand i havent till i take pantysoaker by 15k, on the other hand, i've donated thousands of points to users when they couldnt post and i lost about 30k points last year when we lost 6 months of content. so i feel like i haven't and i have been for a while
(Long Spike)
...all yalls quarrels aside...........that shit
was dope as fuck!