Canada Next Prime Minister Destroys Tesla


Bobbob's picture
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Hmm. Mr. O'Leary has been wrong before, including in his failed bid to be the next PM.  I for one will side with Will Smith's character in 'I robot'.  Cars will never be a commodity as long as a sizeable demographic refuse to turn over control of their car to an AI. But I do agree that those automakers that find innovative ways to give us more for less will be the last ones standing.

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Pulpgimp1's picture

I love it when people call themselves by the nickname they clearly made for themselves. "So the car says to me it says 'Mr Wonderful Mr Wonderful, put your hands on my wheel'" 

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daftcunt's picture
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At least Canada would have a literate "TV star MP"

I always had a feeling that Musk tried to create his car company with the goal to sell it at a profit to some established manufacturer but that never materialised.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

SpaceX needs to build more momentum before he does that, but yeah, definitely. 

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daftcunt's picture
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Once established manufacturers bring out similar cars they will be about half price, then tesla probably will go down the drain. This is a shame as I like the cars.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Quite possible. Still, interesting to see Tessla's board sticking with Elon Musk despite the 7 billion loss in share price after SEC asked for his removal.  Or IS it... He IS Tessla motors. Curious to see what comes next .

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