Canada has one of the best health care and social welfare system that I know of(Im from the US so I have a pretty low bar for standards) and yet looting is happening? People are getting paid $2k a month to stay at home, yet they loot and riot! This is opportunistic in nature, this isnt about a cause or for reform, this is about people just not caring anymore and anarchy.
(7 votes)
(Long Spike)
(Site Administrator)
We loot here in Montreal when we lose the Stanley Cup. We also loot if we win the Stanley Cup.... It's cultural. ;-)
(Old Spike)
Yeah this is the human condition, I'm sorry you just noticed it now... *shrugs* What do you think the percentage of protesters vs rioters are?
This is some stupid Danmanjones shit, only focusing on the rioters never mention the millions of people walking through Hongkong without making a dent. Not to mention you're using the same titles like the aforementioned moron.
Is this actually danmanjones alter ego trolling?
(sounds retarded)
Well, alright, so youre saying its "just a few bad apples"? And its just "human nature" so we should accept it? Kinda like what the protests are about but in reference to the police!
(Site Moderator)
No, it shouldn't be ignored, but just the same you are ignoring the protestors and what they stand for.
Seems like you just like to focus on the human scum side of the story and spam post it.
(sounds retarded)
The looters are completely separate form the protestors. The looters and rioters dont care about floyd getting killed, happens almost on a daily basis. A lot of people tie the two together and try to justify the looting. Some just want to watch the world burn down and just cause some shit, others think it is a great time to go a loot some stores. Personally I dont the protest are going to do anything helpful. Its kinda like "sending prayers", it doesnt do anything but make the people think they are being helpful and doing something.
(Site Administrator)
Out with it, Stok. What constructive thing should the people do, this time, to actually get results.
(sounds retarded)
I dont know, let the Chinavirus do its thing, cull the herd. Burn it all down and try to start over. You cannot expect to build a great utopia based on blood and tears. The USA was built on the backs of slaves and on stolen land of the natives that were destroyed(Same with Canada). On a personal level, stop paying taxes and try to be self sufficient. The problems are too deep to be changed, protests dont work, they might, very rarely, change something for the good but eventually when the masses get distracted again with TV and sports, the change will be reversed or undone. Its a tough one, the only solution is to let it all burn down and start over but look what happened after the fall of Rome. The Dark Ages! If you live in America or Canada, you have access to food and shelter if you need it, if you can get a job at Mcd's you are still doing better than most in the world. Its all about perspective, where you live and when you were born. With that said, you cannot tell the police to keep crime down in the ghetto and then tie their hands, you cant send troops to a warzone and tell them they cant use bullets. You need to end the system of inequality, like the massive imbalance of wealth, end the Federal Reserve, end the massive taxation, end the corruption in government, end the fiat currency based on debt that drives the materialism and fetishism with consumerism, do all this FIRST, then tackle the policing problem. Otherwise its just another bandaid on a gaping wound or just another finger in the dyke. But the only way that will happen is with a total collapse, followed by the dark ages. This will all be forgotten in the next scandal or news cycle, they always are. The individual person may be intelligent but the masses are fucking sheep man.
(sounds retarded)
Ive worked many shit jobs in my city and worked with a lot of first generation Americans from shithole countries and war torn areas, they are happy as shit to be working and living in America, they are very well off then most in their home countries. Most Americans born here snub their noses at those types of jobs and think they deserve better, but why? They didnt do anything to deserve it but just be lucky to be born here. I see more poor people spending what little money they have on the most stupist shit ever. Why? You know who I dont see buying stupid shit and wasting their money, the immigrants and first generation Americans. People are dumb stupid sheep easily led and distracted.
(Site Administrator)
Indeed. A generation or more of watching 'reality' TV, aka the Hiltons and Kardashians has given folks this warped idea of what life should be. I'd delete/replace all those shows with episodes of Bob Ross adding in one too many pine trees in his paintings if I could.
(sounds retarded)
Bob Ross was in the military for 20 years. If America wasnt such an imperialist using its military for all the wrong reasons Id be all for mandatory conscription. Too many softies and cry babies with entitlement issues.
(Old Spike)
If we knew we would be having this conversation, way above our paygrade. A start is not maybe more focus on the peaceful protests?
(Old Spike)
You have a million protester and 1000, maybe 100 rioters. Optics of those thousand outweighs a million protesters even though they are what 0,1% of the picture. Granted for those affected, it's devastating, traumatic and wrong. Still, it's not the real picture. And this is where you take the human condition into consideration. Anger, frustration, age, impulse control and finally mob mentality.
Yet you keep spinning on those fucktards?! Granted they should be dealt with, but don't conflate it with the actually protest. Again, same spamorama during the former danmanjones administration.
Almost 2 million people took to the streets at once in Hongkong peacefully. What clips where feed down our throats? By all accounts, there should be nothing left of HK going by those optics.
(Old Spike)
Ok didn't see this reply, you acknowledge that protestors and rioters are not the same entity?
(sounds retarded)
Yeah people will always outweigh the bad over the good. Problem is, the blacks are still a minority and when white people see rioting and looting, the blacks lose. The white people will demand more police and will vote Trump overwhelmingly and the blacks have lost. Thats why you cannot have violence and looting. It doesnt matter how many peaceful protest there are, at this point they lost. I am just the messenger having a little fun and showing what is going on. You cannot ignore the truth and bury your head in the sand.
(Site Moderator)
"It doesnt matter how many peaceful protest there are, at this point they lost. I am just the messenger having a little fun and showing what is going on."
But that's the point. You're showing 0,1% of the picture. It's like the mainstream media that has a certain agenda. They choose what they want people to focus on just the get them riled up.
Sure the bad will outweigh the good if that's all you show.
(sounds retarded)
Its fucking human nature man! Why do you think your wife, girlfriend or mom will remember bad shit from decades ago? Imagine if you slapped your wife/girlfriend and then you try to explain that you bought flowers and took her out to eat the nights before, it doesnt matter! Try explaining to a judge next time you get a speeding ticket that for %99.9999 of the time you obey the traffic laws and see if he will let you off, lol! I got friends from the far right and the far left, I see the narratives being played out man.
(Site Moderator)
So you're saying positive change is ONLY possible if we are all 100% onboard? The 0,1% shit will bring the rest down because humans are unable to focus on the positive side?