CCAP Opposition Highlight Reel

sal9000's picture

CCAP Opposition Highlight Reel

I forgot to add a description!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Fascist agendas. Minorities becoming protected classes. Mandatory subjection of children to what the state says is "correct" in social matters.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

In many of your comments you sound like a pubescent redneck. Probably because you are.




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theblackswordsman's picture
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Doesn't matter. I know the truth now.


It wasn't about leftism in itself. It was the collectivism that's evil. Over generations the bastards made the people embrace fascism without even knowing it.


Everyone thought racism, doom and nationalism were neccessary components of fascism. But No. Those are just tools to seize power.


As a fascist you can campaign on any policy. Use right wing policy for crises and fear response. Leftism for stealth.


You can make people embrace a fascist regime entirely on left ideals. All you have to do is make people give up rights for the "Group" AKA the state.

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skeptoid's picture

Anytime someone objects to collectivist authoritarianism you go straight to the racist or redneck card. This indicates that you are genuinely ideologically possessed and are one of the best examples of the type of thinking that must be marginalized and established permanently as a backwards mode of being.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

No I don't. Can't remember calling you a racist or a redneck for example. You, otoh, oh dear, snowflake.....


I merely called the person behaving like a pubescent redneck snowflake that -to top it off nicely- "feels" that some sort of "racism towards americans" is possible and exists, a pubescent redneck, nothing else.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

A big lol at "we are refugees"!

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