Go ahead and pick it apart and question the sources. China sucks ass and everyone knows it, except for you aparently.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
That video doesn't claim 1 million. The HRW person says "there may be up to a million people held in these camps" & she also claims "there is no legal basis for arbitrarily detaining people". The laws are clear, the guesswork about how many people have been detained is sketchy at best. Some activists claim 3 million, some (like in that video) claim there's a cultural genocide taking place. It's rubbish.
Your urge to advocate for Muslims in Xinjiang is interesting.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
No cultural genocide?
They are tearing down their temples, forcing them to learn mandarin, bulldozing their cemetaries, encouraging Han to take over their lands, stuffing them in prisons if they are deemed a problem. LOL
What else?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
They are tearing down their temples
fake news - some have been moved, some have been renovated, the overall number is increasing & they have way more mosques per muslim than most places in the world including the US.
forcing them to learn mandarin
That is the national language. It will help them get jobs & alleviate poverty. This is part of the problem in Xinjiang, 20% unemployment is too high. Every country requires people to learn the national language as part of their mandatory education.
bulldozing their cemetaries
fake news
encouraging Han to take over their lands
fake news but with some factual basis. There are government programs to move people into Xinjiang to kickstart get the economy going. Uyghurs in Xinnjiang & all over China move into the Han-dominated areas in Xinjiang because that's where the jobs are.
stuffing them in prisons if they are deemed a problem
they're not prisons. There are programs to get these people educated & into the workforce.
retarded fake news
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Whatever you say, Danman.
Your 3-4 trips to China sure made you the expert.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
you ought to investigate things better before speaking about them otherwise you end up looking like you've been brainwashed.
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sato (Old Spike)
"some have been moved, some have been renovated" fake news. some have been moved, some have been renovated, most have been torn down with no replacement.
"Every country requires people to learn the national language as part of their mandatory education." completely false. most do not.
"There are government programs to move people into Xinjiang to kickstart get the economy going." half truth, half lie. there are government programs to move people but the reason is to break up their culture. the "jobs" bit is just a cover lie. the decption is made clear by their rationale - they could create jobs in the area, but instead they insist they leave and disperse to other areas under the guise of employment oportunities.
"they're not prisons" another outright lie. going to the "centers" is not optional, and while there they have no freedom of movement, no outside contact, they also may not leave until their sentence is served. that's the definition of a prison. you can change the sign, it's still a prison.
organ harvesting in china is well documented and ongoing. you can stick your fingers in your ears all you want, it's still true.
also "you ought to investigate things better before speaking about them otherwise you end up looking like you've been brainwashed." coming from you is massively hilarious!
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
most do not
Hmm...maybe it was a poor choice of words. In the vast majority of public eduction institutions across the world, the language used to educate people is the national language of the country. How does that checkout sato?
I know that in NZ studying English is mandatory, as is being educated according to the national curriculum. I assumed this is the case in basically every country - you need to learn the national language, it would make sense. Swing & a miss ya reckon?
Can you name some countries where learning the national language isn't required as part of the mandatory education?
I've so far found Singapore doesn't require learning Malay.
And it's beyond a stretch to call that mistake (if it was one) as a sign of brainwashing. It was an assumption, perhaps naive, but it's not exactly the most political statement you could make, or the only justification for educating Uyghurs in Mandarin.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
the reason is to break up their culture
Why would Beijing try & break up their culture when they aim to turn Xinjiang into a cultural tourism spot? By "culture" if you mean fundamentalist Islam or seperatism then yes. Beijing aims to break that up. More power to them. It's resulted in enough bloodshed.
no outside contact, they also may not leave until their sentence is served
The most hardcore facilities that I've seen allow people to go home on the weekends. A lot of them are just like regular schools with some political content to boost nationalism/patriotism to counter separatist sentiment. Eg. learning the national anthem. Do you remember singing that as a kid in school? "Advance Australia Fair" right?
going to the "centers" is not optional
It depends on which centers you're talking about. Some just require certain behavioural triggers before the authorities will "offer" to send you through a program, this can be a recommendation from the community or the person may just volunteer. For more dangerous type of people I doubt there's much choice but for a lot of people they use them in a partially voluntary way in order to get ahead in life either with education or factory work. It depends what you're talking about because it's not a clearcut system, rather a set of different things with a few key results in mind, including boosting education, employment & promoting a middle class in Xinjiang's long term future. As well as countering the seperatism/extremism that's been going on there. They work hand in hand. Poverty leads to discontent leads to extremism sometimes but it's not all about just eliminating a threat. It helps the people which is the #1 goal of the party.
organ harvesting in china is well documented and ongoing
rubbish. There's a proper organ transplant system in China now & has high uptake of donors. There's no need t grab them from executed prisoners. And this isn't even related to Uyghurs. Uyghur political advocates just jumped on this bandwagon.
most have been torn down with no replacement
bullshit. That's counter-intuitive. Beijing wants to root out extremism & the mosques are a perfect place to do it. Just like in our countries (Aus/NZ etc) the mosques are monitored & any extremism being disseminated in them is looked into. If you don't let people gather at the mostques it just goes underground & monitoring becomes harder. Much better to co-opt them & work with the local religious leaders, vet them etc.
(Long Spike)
That is 600 prisoners, of 1 Million (Atleast, as of October 2019)
(Old Spike)
1 Million
(Long Spike)
Your mama.
Oh, I'm sorry. I wake up grumpy sometimes : ) lol
Fuck you especially, Danman. I'm glad you finally got a friend though. Hi Daftcunt : )
(Old Spike)
you are trying to silence people
Your mama
That's not a source, that's an article with a bunch of stuff.
Source #1 from that article: US-funded news organization Radio Free Asia (RFA)
- a US-government backed propaganda network & offshoot of the CIA
- estimated 120,000 people in the training facilities / "re-education camps"
Source #2: China Human Rights Defenders (CHRD)
- a US-government backed advocacy group based in Washington DC
- formed its estimate by interviewing 8 people
- claims "millions detained"
Source #3: Adrian Zenz
- a far-right fundamentalist Christian from Germany
- believes he is “led by God” on a “mission” against China
- also backed by US government, based in Washington DC
- claims "over 1 million detained"
None of those sketchy sources claim 1 million.
Here's some more details about how unreliable they are:
(Long Spike)
You can (and do) post whatever you want there, buddy. : )
Here's another source.
Silly boy.
Those are some massive camps and prisons for just 120k people. : /
Go ahead and pick it apart and question the sources. China sucks ass and everyone knows it, except for you aparently.
(Old Spike)
That video doesn't claim 1 million. The HRW person says "there may be up to a million people held in these camps" & she also claims "there is no legal basis for arbitrarily detaining people". The laws are clear, the guesswork about how many people have been detained is sketchy at best. Some activists claim 3 million, some (like in that video) claim there's a cultural genocide taking place. It's rubbish.
Your urge to advocate for Muslims in Xinjiang is interesting.
(Long Spike)
No cultural genocide?
They are tearing down their temples, forcing them to learn mandarin, bulldozing their cemetaries, encouraging Han to take over their lands, stuffing them in prisons if they are deemed a problem. LOL
What else?
(Old Spike)
They are tearing down their temples
fake news - some have been moved, some have been renovated, the overall number is increasing & they have way more mosques per muslim than most places in the world including the US.
forcing them to learn mandarin
That is the national language. It will help them get jobs & alleviate poverty. This is part of the problem in Xinjiang, 20% unemployment is too high. Every country requires people to learn the national language as part of their mandatory education.
bulldozing their cemetaries
fake news
encouraging Han to take over their lands
fake news but with some factual basis. There are government programs to move people into Xinjiang to kickstart get the economy going. Uyghurs in Xinnjiang & all over China move into the Han-dominated areas in Xinjiang because that's where the jobs are.
stuffing them in prisons if they are deemed a problem
they're not prisons. There are programs to get these people educated & into the workforce.
retarded fake news
(Long Spike)
Whatever you say, Danman.
Your 3-4 trips to China sure made you the expert.
(Old Spike)
you ought to investigate things better before speaking about them otherwise you end up looking like you've been brainwashed.
(Old Spike)
"some have been moved, some have been renovated" fake news. some have been moved, some have been renovated, most have been torn down with no replacement.
"Every country requires people to learn the national language as part of their mandatory education." completely false. most do not.
"There are government programs to move people into Xinjiang to kickstart get the economy going." half truth, half lie. there are government programs to move people but the reason is to break up their culture. the "jobs" bit is just a cover lie. the decption is made clear by their rationale - they could create jobs in the area, but instead they insist they leave and disperse to other areas under the guise of employment oportunities.
"they're not prisons" another outright lie. going to the "centers" is not optional, and while there they have no freedom of movement, no outside contact, they also may not leave until their sentence is served. that's the definition of a prison. you can change the sign, it's still a prison.
organ harvesting in china is well documented and ongoing. you can stick your fingers in your ears all you want, it's still true.
also "you ought to investigate things better before speaking about them otherwise you end up looking like you've been brainwashed." coming from you is massively hilarious!
(Old Spike)
most do not
Hmm...maybe it was a poor choice of words. In the vast majority of public eduction institutions across the world, the language used to educate people is the national language of the country. How does that checkout sato?
I know that in NZ studying English is mandatory, as is being educated according to the national curriculum. I assumed this is the case in basically every country - you need to learn the national language, it would make sense. Swing & a miss ya reckon?
Can you name some countries where learning the national language isn't required as part of the mandatory education?
I've so far found Singapore doesn't require learning Malay.
And it's beyond a stretch to call that mistake (if it was one) as a sign of brainwashing. It was an assumption, perhaps naive, but it's not exactly the most political statement you could make, or the only justification for educating Uyghurs in Mandarin.
(Old Spike)
the reason is to break up their culture
Why would Beijing try & break up their culture when they aim to turn Xinjiang into a cultural tourism spot? By "culture" if you mean fundamentalist Islam or seperatism then yes. Beijing aims to break that up. More power to them. It's resulted in enough bloodshed.
no outside contact, they also may not leave until their sentence is served
The most hardcore facilities that I've seen allow people to go home on the weekends. A lot of them are just like regular schools with some political content to boost nationalism/patriotism to counter separatist sentiment. Eg. learning the national anthem. Do you remember singing that as a kid in school? "Advance Australia Fair" right?
going to the "centers" is not optional
It depends on which centers you're talking about. Some just require certain behavioural triggers before the authorities will "offer" to send you through a program, this can be a recommendation from the community or the person may just volunteer. For more dangerous type of people I doubt there's much choice but for a lot of people they use them in a partially voluntary way in order to get ahead in life either with education or factory work. It depends what you're talking about because it's not a clearcut system, rather a set of different things with a few key results in mind, including boosting education, employment & promoting a middle class in Xinjiang's long term future. As well as countering the seperatism/extremism that's been going on there. They work hand in hand. Poverty leads to discontent leads to extremism sometimes but it's not all about just eliminating a threat. It helps the people which is the #1 goal of the party.
organ harvesting in china is well documented and ongoing
rubbish. There's a proper organ transplant system in China now & has high uptake of donors. There's no need t grab them from executed prisoners. And this isn't even related to Uyghurs. Uyghur political advocates just jumped on this bandwagon.
most have been torn down with no replacement
bullshit. That's counter-intuitive. Beijing wants to root out extremism & the mosques are a perfect place to do it. Just like in our countries (Aus/NZ etc) the mosques are monitored & any extremism being disseminated in them is looked into. If you don't let people gather at the mostques it just goes underground & monitoring becomes harder. Much better to co-opt them & work with the local religious leaders, vet them etc.