There's a party goin' on right here A celebration to last throughout the years So bring your good times and your laughter too We're gonna celebrate dead granny wlth you
Come on now....
(7 votes)
There's a party goin' on right here A celebration to last throughout the years So bring your good times and your laughter too We're gonna celebrate dead granny wlth you
Come on now....
(Old Spike)
we need to start a huge war and bring back the draft for anyone below the age of 30 to be sent overseas to fight. I would vote yes in a heartbeat to send these idiots into a real protest
(Old Spike)
definitely need to send them into the CONGO this time to hunt for KONY. I bet these idiots would vote yes themselves to start this war then we just implement draft no exceptions ;)
(Old Spike)
My manager told me when talking about food- "It's ok because the stomach acid kills the virus."