in the late 1980's Dad did this once when we were kids to show off to the village (he was approaching/landing on a sandbar to fish). If i wasn't like 6 and had known the risks i woulda said "imma sit this one out pops".
during the 360 miles from the arctic circle to fairbanks he used to let us take control of the yoke and pretend to be fall asleep while we asked in the headset if he was awake. Thats how he made us comfortable with aircraft, now that im older i know he had one eye open while we felt like we were in full control.
Now the only flights i get to visit family are charter. 3 months after this guy flew me to visit my 94 year old grandma he crashed the plane i was just on:
I was in that fucking plane not long before that. It was so shitty it had to fly so low (beautiful view to fly low , but dangerous), i shit you not on the way back a fucking hawk or eagle flew toward and over us on the way back. 250 1 way out and 250$ back. People in the vill warned me that one time during landing the engine sputtered out as he dropped the throttle. Always spend more on charter flights.
(Old Spike)
Cool song and GREAT story sir.
If it wasn't that much expence to keep these birds in good shape and running I would certainly fly one.
(Long Spike)
Only 2k for ground school back in 2000 when i considered. Prob like 5 or 6k now. who knows where it could take you.