
Pantysoaker's picture

Kanye West - Closed On Sunday

North west went hard on this one

Average: 2.3 (3 votes)


stokkebye's picture

I dont get it.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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trooper_trent's picture

It's actually pretty deep man. It's about how chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays and he wants a number 1 combo with a lemonade but he can't get it so he's gonna roam in the wilderness with his family all in designer sweats and pout about it.

Guy's a genius.

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monkeymania's picture

Dass some baddass Donye shit yo.


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ubershin's picture

didnt chik fil a bend the knee into the demonrat screecher crowd? therefore this is invalid and void because they are no longer conservative in the sense of the word

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