What the flying fuck is this gibberish-spewing fool blabbing about? His hold on what you could call base-level cognitive ability is completely gone. His idiotic answer to the question begins at 1:10 and devolves into an embarrassing spray of idiotic word salad. The applause makes it pure comedy gold.
(7 votes)
(Old Spike)
His genius vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance, or whatever he is currently calling himself, has concrete proposals though.
(Site Administrator)
I think he said the problem will take care of itself when America starts a trade war with enemies and allies alike (Mexico and Canada, f#@k you, there I said it). Ivanka....Trillions and trillions of dollars to be had apparently. Wooo! Yeah! ..is what I'm thinking was his basic point, maybe.
(Old Spike)
Excellent translation of a babbling fool. Breaking all that gibberish down into just a couple of sentences is impressive. Deciphering bullshit like "“But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that — because — child care is child care ... It’s something" takes special skills.
Sure, tariffs cause higher prices for consumers and increase the trade deficit but windmills cause cancer, so....
he looks terrible in that thumbnail. holy shit