The US has a larger military presence in the Sth China Sea than China does.
This is from just a week ago:
My soapbox:
These provocations are unnecesssary. Sec Defense & war criminal (Fallujah, Raqqa) James Mattis is out of his league. Military men don't have the capacity to hold that position. His aggressive posture & myopic reliance on 'military exercises' as a tool of diplomacy are just the death pangs of empire. Mattis has the finesse of a rusty sledgehammer & yet is one of the most diplomatic of Trump's inner circle.
(5 votes)
(Long Spike)
Death pangs of an empire? Dude, this shit has been going down for YEARS.
(Old Spike)
It's just a silly little rant. Mattis pisses me off. He wasted the fuck out of Raqqa recently, left it all fucked up and let ISIS escape by the thousands.
(Old Spike)
holy fuck hypocrisy levels over 9000!
the US flew a couple planes over, china has raised land from below water level in order to build an airfield for its planes which are now based there, in an area hundreds of miles from the chinese coast understood by every country except china to be international waters and skies.
china is trying to establish a permanent land-based presence in this international area, the US just passed through.
(Old Spike)
The bombers flew over the Spratly Islands. China has a legit claim to the islands based on the Sino-French peace treaty first signed in 1902. They get jumpy when US sends military ships/planes into what they consider their airspace or territorial waters.