“We currently have no indication that a foreign adversary intends to disrupt our election infrastructure,”
“We know they [the Chinese] have the capability and we know they have the will. So we’re constantly on alert to watch. But what we see with China right now are the influence campaigns, the more traditional, longstanding, holistic influence campaigns,”
- Kirsten Neilson, Head of Homeland Security
1 day later, US Vice President Mike Pence accuses China of a 'malign' campaign to undermine Trump (1:30)
Looks like US blinked first in this trade war.
China is actually placing propaganda ads in the Des Moines Register and other papers, made to look like news. That’s because we are beating them on Trade, opening markets, and the farmers will make a fortune when this is over! pic.twitter.com/ppdvTX7oz1
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2018
Here are the ads in higher res (click to zoom in):
>> You can view the full ads here
(Old Spike)
Now who in the white house is a direct descendeant of Goebbels?
I can already hear the headlines ringing in my head should the reps lose out in the elections.....
(Old Spike)
The closest thing that Trump had to Goebbels was Steve Bannon IMO.
These days Trump doesn't have a Geobbels so he's just tryng to use some of Bannon's populist techniques. He lacks the experience & finesse of Bannon though & populism isn't even his ideology. I doubt Bannon would approve of this campaign - it's so easily debunked.
It's interesting that Mike Pence was used for this announcement. Trump mentioned it in his UN address last week & has tweeted about it but I've not heard anyone outside the Whitehouse endorse it.
(Old Spike)
In related news, there has been a noticeable reduction in attempts to disrupt the voting processes here on the site LOL. Keep those IP loggers a pluggin', Spiked!
CSIS has been warning the Canadian public that the Canadian gov. doesn't seem to care about China's stated multi-generational strategy to overtake and dominate the West. There are trade deals to be made. Of course, who knows if CSIS is just blowing smoke - it's hard to know when intelligence services are actually being sincere.