Well I'll be damned, China is actually doing something right. Good on them keeping the scourge of Islam our of their country.
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robbby1234 (Short Spike)
Yeah, cracking down on thought crimes is the best.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
If all Muslims did when they moved into an area was "think" then I'd have no reason to shit on them. But as history has shown us since the literal founding of the religion by the pedophile known as Mohammed, whenever followers of Islam move into your country, they begin to reproduce like bacteria and if left unchecked in a democratic society they will take power. And when that day comes your little hissy fits where you pretend to "stand on principle" and bitch about "cracking down on throught crime" won't matter to the qadi who sentences you to death. Because unless you shut your fucking mouth and convert to the "religion of peace" then your fucking head is going to roll just like every other KAFIR.
So fucking spare me.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
China has no problem with Muslims per se. There's been Muslims in China for centuries, their greatest explorer was Muslim & there are a bunch of other Muslim communities in China that don't cause trouble.
Uyghurs aren't being forced to give up religion but certain things like burqas & beards on young men are outlawed for now. China's gonna tiger mum these people to de-radicalise the extremists. It's an interesting experiment. [more info]
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Their greatest explorer? Are you talking about Genghis Khan? And if so, what does Islam have to do with any of that?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Zheng He - the greatest explorer you've never heard of. He was a Muslim although he did have his nuts chopped off before he started serving the emperor.
The point is that there are 6 Chinese Muslim ethnicities & 5 of them are no problem at all & their history goes back for nearly a millennium. The Uyghurs issue is more of an ethno-nationalist/separatist thing that's being stirred up by foreign actors like Turkey & the Saudis. Islam is in the mix but it's not the root cause of the problem IMO. More of a tool to spread the radicalisation.
I think we both agree that pan-Islamism in the 21st century is fucked.
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ninjzz3.0 (Short Spike)
— the Jews hated all non-Jews and they wanted to destroy the Gentiles and dominate the world ** Further “Whether or not there is an organized Jewish government recognized by all the Jews is less important that the fact that there is a unified and conscious Jewish desire for world power. This is proved by a variety of political events that are taking place in plain sight today.” **
— due to inbreeding, Jews had more negative characteristics and passed on these negative characteristics to the next generation. **
— a war against Judaism was a war against the devil **
— by distortions of the Torah and Talmud they claimed that Judaism teaches hatred **
— “The goal of the Jew is to make himself the ruler of humanity. Wherever he comes, he destroys works of culture. He is not a creative spirit, rather a destructive spirit.” **
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Anwar Aydin (the woman in this clip) is an advocate for "Independence for East Turkestan" - IE a member of a separatist movement linked to hundreds of terrorist acts in China. [link]
Uyghurs have trained in Afghanistan & fought alongside al Qaeda in Syria & in recent years have been trying to import their fundamentalist crap into China with help from actors like Turkey via their support for the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. They're not all innocent victims she makes out although as often happens a lot of innocent people are caught up in the geopolitical web.
You only have to look at a map to understand the challenge China faces in keeping fundamentalist extremism out of Xinjiang aka "East Turkestan". It borders 8 countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan & India.
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ninjzz3.0 (Short Spike)
Anwar Aydin (the woman in this clip) is an advocate for "Independence for East Turkestan" ok so I am a advocate of a Free Palestine guess that makes me auto member of Hamas and anyone for a Jewish State is part of the terrorist group Kach and Kahane Chai ohh I am also a animal lover so guess that makes me
Animal Liberation Front start a talk with a Fallacy nice....
The Associated Press reported in 2018 that "Xi is waging the most severe systematic suppression of Christianity in the country since religious freedom was written into the Chinese constitution in 1982.", which has involved "destroying crosses, burning bibles, shutting churches and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their faith
( guess read the white terrorist news to figure challange China faces in keeping fundamentalist extremism out )
Thanks Atheism
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Palestine isn't a separatist movement & advocating for Palestinian statehood is not the same as advocating to carve a vital region from China.
The association I made was a stretch I admit. These cyber-separatists piss me off though. The answer is not rebellion, that'll just gets people hurt & is doomed from the start. Not a single country in the world is even close to recognising a "East Turkestan". The only time it was a thing was when Stalin was trying to gain a foothold in China to annex some territory in the 1930s & 40s.
China isn't atheist. There are religions there but they operate within the legal confinement of the state. Hui Muslims are treated much better than Uyghurs & have a lot more religious freedom & they don't talk about seperatism or commit terrorism. Coincidence?
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Maxpower (Old Spike)
They wanna start up the same bullshit they pull in western countries, except China don't give a fuck about appearing to be tolerant or "culturally enriching" themselves. Whole different ball game.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Haha, nice try. You don't hate nazis, they did you a favor by killing tons of jews that you don't have to fight now.
If china doesn't want you there, just leave.
But we know leaving a secular nation is against your religion.
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Maxpower (Old Spike)
Huh? I'm not religious at all.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I was talking to jizz.
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ninjzz3.0 (Short Spike)
yea blah blah Muslim all auto hate jews I am a "intellectual atheist" but cant get past bigot stereotype bs I read this before from another from "intellectual atheist" auto
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
LOL one girl I actually would prefer wearing a burqha.
(Old Spike)
Well I'll be damned, China is actually doing something right. Good on them keeping the scourge of Islam our of their country.
(Short Spike)
Yeah, cracking down on thought crimes is the best.
(Old Spike)
If all Muslims did when they moved into an area was "think" then I'd have no reason to shit on them. But as history has shown us since the literal founding of the religion by the pedophile known as Mohammed, whenever followers of Islam move into your country, they begin to reproduce like bacteria and if left unchecked in a democratic society they will take power. And when that day comes your little hissy fits where you pretend to "stand on principle" and bitch about "cracking down on throught crime" won't matter to the qadi who sentences you to death. Because unless you shut your fucking mouth and convert to the "religion of peace" then your fucking head is going to roll just like every other KAFIR.
So fucking spare me.
(Old Spike)
China has no problem with Muslims per se. There's been Muslims in China for centuries, their greatest explorer was Muslim & there are a bunch of other Muslim communities in China that don't cause trouble.
Uyghurs aren't being forced to give up religion but certain things like burqas & beards on young men are outlawed for now. China's gonna tiger mum these people to de-radicalise the extremists. It's an interesting experiment. [more info]
(Old Spike)
Their greatest explorer? Are you talking about Genghis Khan? And if so, what does Islam have to do with any of that?
(Old Spike)
Zheng He - the greatest explorer you've never heard of. He was a Muslim although he did have his nuts chopped off before he started serving the emperor.
The point is that there are 6 Chinese Muslim ethnicities & 5 of them are no problem at all & their history goes back for nearly a millennium. The Uyghurs issue is more of an ethno-nationalist/separatist thing that's being stirred up by foreign actors like Turkey & the Saudis. Islam is in the mix but it's not the root cause of the problem IMO. More of a tool to spread the radicalisation.
I think we both agree that pan-Islamism in the 21st century is fucked.
(Short Spike)
— the Jews hated all non-Jews and they wanted to destroy the Gentiles and dominate the world ** Further “Whether or not there is an organized Jewish government recognized by all the Jews is less important that the fact that there is a unified and conscious Jewish desire for world power. This is proved by a variety of political events that are taking place in plain sight today.” **
— due to inbreeding, Jews had more negative characteristics and passed on these negative characteristics to the next generation. **
— a war against Judaism was a war against the devil **
— by distortions of the Torah and Talmud they claimed that Judaism teaches hatred **
— “The goal of the Jew is to make himself the ruler of humanity. Wherever he comes, he destroys works of culture. He is not a creative spirit, rather a destructive spirit.” **
(Old Spike)
Anwar Aydin (the woman in this clip) is an advocate for "Independence for East Turkestan" - IE a member of a separatist movement linked to hundreds of terrorist acts in China. [link]
Uyghurs have trained in Afghanistan & fought alongside al Qaeda in Syria & in recent years have been trying to import their fundamentalist crap into China with help from actors like Turkey via their support for the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. They're not all innocent victims she makes out although as often happens a lot of innocent people are caught up in the geopolitical web.
You only have to look at a map to understand the challenge China faces in keeping fundamentalist extremism out of Xinjiang aka "East Turkestan". It borders 8 countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan & India.
(Short Spike)
Anwar Aydin (the woman in this clip) is an advocate for "Independence for East Turkestan" ok so I am a advocate of a Free Palestine guess that makes me auto member of Hamas and anyone for a Jewish State is part of the terrorist group Kach and Kahane Chai ohh I am also a animal lover so guess that makes me
Animal Liberation Front start a talk with a Fallacy nice....
The Associated Press reported in 2018 that "Xi is waging the most severe systematic suppression of Christianity in the country since religious freedom was written into the Chinese constitution in 1982.", which has involved "destroying crosses, burning bibles, shutting churches and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their faith
( guess read the white terrorist news to figure challange China faces in keeping fundamentalist extremism out )
Thanks Atheism
(Old Spike)
Palestine isn't a separatist movement & advocating for Palestinian statehood is not the same as advocating to carve a vital region from China.
The association I made was a stretch I admit. These cyber-separatists piss me off though. The answer is not rebellion, that'll just gets people hurt & is doomed from the start. Not a single country in the world is even close to recognising a "East Turkestan". The only time it was a thing was when Stalin was trying to gain a foothold in China to annex some territory in the 1930s & 40s.
China isn't atheist. There are religions there but they operate within the legal confinement of the state. Hui Muslims are treated much better than Uyghurs & have a lot more religious freedom & they don't talk about seperatism or commit terrorism. Coincidence?
(Old Spike)
They wanna start up the same bullshit they pull in western countries, except China don't give a fuck about appearing to be tolerant or "culturally enriching" themselves. Whole different ball game.
(Old Spike)
Haha, nice try. You don't hate nazis, they did you a favor by killing tons of jews that you don't have to fight now.
If china doesn't want you there, just leave.
But we know leaving a secular nation is against your religion.
(Old Spike)
Huh? I'm not religious at all.
(Old Spike)
I was talking to jizz.
(Short Spike)
yea blah blah Muslim all auto hate jews I am a "intellectual atheist" but cant get past bigot stereotype bs I read this before from another from "intellectual atheist" auto
(Old Spike)
LOL one girl I actually would prefer wearing a burqha.