Sun, 2017-10-15 16:28 — Nakey Little Hulton Inbreeding louts Video of Little Hulton Inbreeding louts 4.25 Average: 4.3 (8 votes)
(Old Spike)
Aaaaah, the benefit of council hosing.
Poor girls can't even afford shampoo.
(Old Spike)
I hate these kind of people, it's the downside of living in the UK.
(Old Spike)
Dublin too
(Short Spike)
what kind of people are they? not sure what they are, please do tell.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Darn - no auto-generated subtitles. What are they saying?
(Long Spike)
I think this is their mating ritual...
(Old Spike)
No, mating ritual would be this;
(Long Spike)
When you give people free healthcare they just act a fool and don't have to worry about consequences.
(Dixie Normous: Image specialist)
Thats why everyone in the US acts all nice and polite