CNN wonders why their ratings are so low. The rabit Trump hating left appears to think this is still the mid 90's where the "religious right" actually had influence. They actually believe that Trump having consentual sex with a playmate is going to make those who voted for him change their mind. I can't believe they are this fucking retarded.
CNN and the Trump hating left are completly A-OK with over half a million unborn babies be killed each year but they believe they have the moral ground to point fingers at a man who was banging hot women on the regular and pretend to be morally offended.
Give me a break. Yellow journalism through and through.
That being said, DAMN!!!!
The Vanderbilt trust fund cock sucker (literally) doing the interview will never find a harry man's asshole to match what it's like to tag someone this beautiful.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
You're fully right: the Evangelical Right and Republicans have shown their hypocrisy in its entirety.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
I'm gonna have to stop you right there. I know you don't want to admit there is a difference, but there is a very real difference between a President getting blow jobs from a secretary in the Oval Office and a President having banged a playmate a decade before even running for office.
And you really want to make "Evangelical Right" = "Replicans" but that would be a lie so just stop.
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UltimateX (Short Spike)
Hot damn
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Pyranique (Short Spike)
Would you have voted for a man who, given the oppertunity, wouldn't have fucked Karen McDougal?
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eh (Long Spike)
The whole cheating on his wife thing with her and the porn star is no big deal. I don't understand why people don't grasp that. Hush money and constant lying about them which continues today are the only issues. Trump is a pathological liar and yes, he fucked this chick and a porn star along with a lot of other shit while his wife was at home with their newborn son. Sure, it's hypocritical for Evangelicals and moral Christians to support Trump but it's not that big of a deal. Lies and payoffs by a man who is now president are kind of important. Trumptard Nation has played the "It didn't happen and even if it did, blah, blah, blah" card but give me a fucking break.
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Pyranique (Short Spike)
The sex is not the problem. Even the left should be openminded and agreable enough not care or judge. Isn't the "hush money" (or NDA's) just there to stop people from writing a fucking book about it and profeteering? Unless you are under oath or doing something illegal.... then isn't lying and paying people off (a.k.a. buying the rights) the correct course of action to protect your persona? What other alternative is there?.....
...Please don't say "Not have sex with Playboy Playmate's in the first place"... life's too short for that kind of nonsense.
Enlighten me.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
We blame teenage girls when their cellphones get hacked and nudes of them leak on the Internet....but Trump is immune? Shouldn't he be *more* responsible, considering that he is one of the most richest and powerful men in the world?
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Pantysoaker (Long Spike)
for every one evangelical christian Trump pisses off, there is two business democrats saying "Im starting to like this guy!"
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
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eh (Long Spike)
"...then isn't lying and paying people off (a.k.a. buying the rights) the correct course of action to protect your persona?"
Enlighten you? If you think that it's OK for the president of the United States to lie and pay off women he fucked, well there's no enlightening you. You have it all figured out.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
eh, are you one of the brain dead Evangelical Christians that Mr. Fudd keeps harping about?
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eh (Long Spike)
What the fuck are you talking about? Banging hot women isn't the issue, regardless of if he was married with a new kid. IT'S THE LIES AND PAYOFFS. Evangelicals are part of a scam to have people send money to a preacher who will "Save" them. Morals were never their strongpoint regardless of what they have ever said. Sorry but yes, the president lying and paying hush money is an important, not for Trumptards like you but for the vast majority of the country.
Trump not even mentioning the women and payoffs in one of his unhinged Twitter rants says it all. He wants a lawyer to do something and get him out of this mess like they have for everything else in his life.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
What the fuck am I talking about? It's right there on the fucking screen dude. I was asking for you to state your position on a subject that Mr. Fudd seems to have a hang up over.
I don't see him entering into a contract where both parties agree to keep a private matter private as being wrong at all. If I ask you how man women you've fucked in the last 10 years, are you obligated to tell me? No. Because you are not obligated to tell me, if you lied and said ZERO when the real answer was TEN, it would not matter because I was not entitled to know anything about your private sex life in the first fucking place.
If the women wish to cash in on their past encounters with the now President of the United States, then that's up to them. But just because someone wins the job of President, that doesn't mean you or I are suddendly entitled to know who they fucked over the past 10 years.
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eh (Long Spike)
LOLOL OK Captain America. Relax. I get it. You are Trumptard Nation to the bone and Trump making payoffs -regardless of the fact that he's the sitting president-doesn't strike you as wrong. You are just the person in his fucked-up base that he plays to. Hey, you must be sharper than a Fox/Trump "News" anchor. You should get a position in the Trump crime family cabinet.
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eh (Long Spike)
One thing there is no doubt about. Miss McDougal was SMOKING hot. Just the right amount of meat on her, not one of the skinny waifs so popular now.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Absolutely PERFECT tits too.
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eh (Long Spike)
They looked so perfect in 1998, they had to be fake.......they aren't. 1998 fake tits were FAKE-LOOKING AS HELL.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
they're really fake looking though.
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eh (Long Spike)
They WERE fake! I remember thinking they were but like so many back then, she denied it for years. She finally admitted they were long after she was pretty much done with nude modeling. I was still believing her original denials. Oh well, they were well done for that time and they looked good but yeah, too perfect to be real.
"I had my implants put in March 1996 and removed almost 21 years later on January 31, 2017. I was a Playmate of the year and a successful model, so the decision to have my implants removed was not an easy one."
(Old Spike)
CNN wonders why their ratings are so low. The rabit Trump hating left appears to think this is still the mid 90's where the "religious right" actually had influence. They actually believe that Trump having consentual sex with a playmate is going to make those who voted for him change their mind. I can't believe they are this fucking retarded.
CNN and the Trump hating left are completly A-OK with over half a million unborn babies be killed each year but they believe they have the moral ground to point fingers at a man who was banging hot women on the regular and pretend to be morally offended.
Give me a break. Yellow journalism through and through.
That being said, DAMN!!!!
The Vanderbilt trust fund cock sucker (literally) doing the interview will never find a harry man's asshole to match what it's like to tag someone this beautiful.
(Long Spike)
You're fully right: the Evangelical Right and Republicans have shown their hypocrisy in its entirety.
(Old Spike)
I'm gonna have to stop you right there. I know you don't want to admit there is a difference, but there is a very real difference between a President getting blow jobs from a secretary in the Oval Office and a President having banged a playmate a decade before even running for office.
And you really want to make "Evangelical Right" = "Replicans" but that would be a lie so just stop.
(Short Spike)
Hot damn
(Short Spike)
Would you have voted for a man who, given the oppertunity, wouldn't have fucked Karen McDougal?
(Long Spike)
The whole cheating on his wife thing with her and the porn star is no big deal. I don't understand why people don't grasp that. Hush money and constant lying about them which continues today are the only issues. Trump is a pathological liar and yes, he fucked this chick and a porn star along with a lot of other shit while his wife was at home with their newborn son. Sure, it's hypocritical for Evangelicals and moral Christians to support Trump but it's not that big of a deal. Lies and payoffs by a man who is now president are kind of important. Trumptard Nation has played the "It didn't happen and even if it did, blah, blah, blah" card but give me a fucking break.
(Short Spike)
The sex is not the problem. Even the left should be openminded and agreable enough not care or judge. Isn't the "hush money" (or NDA's) just there to stop people from writing a fucking book about it and profeteering? Unless you are under oath or doing something illegal.... then isn't lying and paying people off (a.k.a. buying the rights) the correct course of action to protect your persona? What other alternative is there?.....
...Please don't say "Not have sex with Playboy Playmate's in the first place"... life's too short for that kind of nonsense.
Enlighten me.
(Long Spike)
We blame teenage girls when their cellphones get hacked and nudes of them leak on the Internet....but Trump is immune? Shouldn't he be *more* responsible, considering that he is one of the most richest and powerful men in the world?
(Long Spike)
for every one evangelical christian Trump pisses off, there is two business democrats saying "Im starting to like this guy!"
(Long Spike)
(Long Spike)
"...then isn't lying and paying people off (a.k.a. buying the rights) the correct course of action to protect your persona?"
Enlighten you? If you think that it's OK for the president of the United States to lie and pay off women he fucked, well there's no enlightening you. You have it all figured out.
(Old Spike)
eh, are you one of the brain dead Evangelical Christians that Mr. Fudd keeps harping about?
(Long Spike)
What the fuck are you talking about? Banging hot women isn't the issue, regardless of if he was married with a new kid. IT'S THE LIES AND PAYOFFS. Evangelicals are part of a scam to have people send money to a preacher who will "Save" them. Morals were never their strongpoint regardless of what they have ever said. Sorry but yes, the president lying and paying hush money is an important, not for Trumptards like you but for the vast majority of the country.
Trump not even mentioning the women and payoffs in one of his unhinged Twitter rants says it all. He wants a lawyer to do something and get him out of this mess like they have for everything else in his life.
(Old Spike)
What the fuck am I talking about? It's right there on the fucking screen dude. I was asking for you to state your position on a subject that Mr. Fudd seems to have a hang up over.
I don't see him entering into a contract where both parties agree to keep a private matter private as being wrong at all. If I ask you how man women you've fucked in the last 10 years, are you obligated to tell me? No. Because you are not obligated to tell me, if you lied and said ZERO when the real answer was TEN, it would not matter because I was not entitled to know anything about your private sex life in the first fucking place.
If the women wish to cash in on their past encounters with the now President of the United States, then that's up to them. But just because someone wins the job of President, that doesn't mean you or I are suddendly entitled to know who they fucked over the past 10 years.
(Long Spike)
LOLOL OK Captain America. Relax. I get it. You are Trumptard Nation to the bone and Trump making payoffs -regardless of the fact that he's the sitting president-doesn't strike you as wrong. You are just the person in his fucked-up base that he plays to. Hey, you must be sharper than a Fox/Trump "News" anchor. You should get a position in the Trump crime family cabinet.
(Long Spike)
One thing there is no doubt about. Miss McDougal was SMOKING hot. Just the right amount of meat on her, not one of the skinny waifs so popular now.
(Old Spike)
Absolutely PERFECT tits too.
(Long Spike)
They looked so perfect in 1998, they had to be fake.......they aren't. 1998 fake tits were FAKE-LOOKING AS HELL.
(Old Spike)
they're really fake looking though.
(Long Spike)
They WERE fake! I remember thinking they were but like so many back then, she denied it for years. She finally admitted they were long after she was pretty much done with nude modeling. I was still believing her original denials. Oh well, they were well done for that time and they looked good but yeah, too perfect to be real.
"I had my implants put in March 1996 and removed almost 21 years later on January 31, 2017. I was a Playmate of the year and a successful model, so the decision to have my implants removed was not an easy one."