Wed, 2020-06-03 08:12 — monkeymania Cops ‘Flip a Coin’ to Decide Whether They’ll Arrest Driver Video of Cops ‘Flip a Coin’ to Decide Whether They’ll Arrest Driver A total lie! It was a VIRTUAL coin flip. 3.8 Average: 3.8 (5 votes)
(Old Spike)
Who cares. The "victim" is a dumphone drone. It's not like they toss a coin in front of her.
(Old Spike)
When a coin decides if you will toss salad there is something wrong
(Old Spike)
What exactly is the outrage?
They did not make their decision on the coin toss, did they. so that should not be it.
I am surprised that the girl got arrested, though, unless they thought she was under the influence.
She was speeding but unless that was deemed reckless driving that would be no more than a ticket and a few points on her license.
So THAT should be the outrage. This is what I would call a "power trip" of two lowlife shitheads.