Concrete Printing in 1930

sal9000's picture

3D Concrete Printing in 1930 by William E. Urschel

heres a chinaman getting fucked up

unfortunately we'll never know how fucked up he is but those sceams sound like he's really fucked up

Average: 4 (4 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Fucking hell 1: Awesome!


Fucjing hell 2: Which dumb cunt got the idea to turn the door into a meat grinder? The girl with the baby had the right idea but why did she not simply reverse the car?

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n0val33t's picture
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Dosen't work....... to expencive + cement + water and gravel. 


We run out of suitalbe sand for cement works. We also run out of water for cement works. This uses more water and sand than bricks. Neat that they did it in the 30's.... not sutainable though! 

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