convoy blocks Alberta border crossing


skeptoid's picture

This is just the soft version, Sal. You want the hard one real bad, don't you?

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stokkebye's picture

Yes, and there were loyalist to England during the America Revolution, guess where all the boot lickers moved to? LOL

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sal9000's picture
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DHS to Require Non-U.S. Individual Travelers Entering the United States at Land Ports of Entry and Ferry Terminals to be Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19


if canadian truckers want to go war against america for their right to enter america without being vaxxed. i'm all for it

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

How about Canadians who just want to leave Canada without taking the jab ?

Or return to Canada without the jab ? Also There’s no such thing as

“ fully vaccinated “ .

only those “ up to date “ .

And anyone pending a shot / booster is an alt right nazi antivaxxer sexist homophobe who enjoys killing grandma . 

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sal9000's picture
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the only thing stopping a canadian from leaving canada without taking the jab is the 3 or 4$ toll at the border.

canadians don't need the jab to return to canada, you just need to pay the 3 or 4$ toll on the americans side of the border.

you might say theres no such thing as a fully vaccinated but try explaining that to a customs agent asking for proof while you're on foreign soil

overall, you can see how this is trudeau fault right?


guessing you've never left your country so heres a couple of videos showing you whats its like,


there and back but a few years between

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danman's picture

woohoo it's getting spicy

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sal9000's picture
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so fresh its not on youtube yet. canadian truckers stuck on the other side of the border running out of food. no restaurants for 30k. not a big deal for the convoy since these truckers are darker

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skeptoid's picture

Sounds like they could use some rifles eh?

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