native nations want nothing to do with him.
one of he funnier things that happens is that people drive their work vehicles to this. vehicles they don't own. so when someone takes a photo of the logo and it makes its way onto the net. they no longer have a job and the company puts out a message saying " IMPORTANT NOTICE: Orca Realty DID NOT participate in this convoy protest today. Orca Realty would NEVER be a part of this EVER. We are reaching out to find out exactly who drove a vehicle with our name on it in this rally. We apologize profusely for this horrible incident. This was a rogue individual and in no way reflects the beliefs of Orca Realty staff or Orca Realty ownership"
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
It's funny that you think the convoy has a leader. Also please stop using that offensive term. A virtue signaling shell case like you should know how indigenous people prefer to be addressed.
Look at the virtue signaling message from the company posted in the description. Everything with you is surface level signaling with no substance to it whatsoever. You are, like, you know, like, fake and stuff.
(sounds retarded)
People should start putting random company logos on their truck and shirts. "Sponsored by:..." LOL
(Old Spike)
new zealand convoy got lost yesterday because of internet trolls