Cop Violates Man's Rights

monkeymania's picture

Suspect Spits on Cop, Cop Knocks Him Out

Kidding. I love what happened to this asshole. I saw a punk kid get kicked in the face by a cop as he was cuffed and leaning against a bus years ago. He smashed his face and knocked him out when the back of his head hit the bus. The punk had said "I fucked your mother" which this idiot said early on as he spit on the cop and everyone was happy with the facial rearrangement back then. He crossed a line and paid for it. Today, it wouldn't surprise me if the cop lost his job for knocking this shitstain out after spitting in the cop's face.

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GloomStick's picture

Let me add this 5 minute video where nothing happens until 4:50.

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