Cops plan to starve out Freedom Convoy


nakedslave's picture

Cops now got horses and farmers to deal with ontop of the freedom truckers.

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nakedslave's picture

I think you need to rewatch the video..  You didn't get the message correct.

if you Jump to 3:33 into the video.  Police chief said,

An almost exact quote from the police chief.  

"no facilitation of food,waters,fuel,logistic,funding. BY ANY MEMBERS OF THIS POLICE SERVICE. 
Any members of this police service caught will be investigate and used full extent of the police act blah blah blah."

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nakedslave's picture

Any member of the public can bring food no issue. 

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stokkebye's picture

They are going to identify people bringing in food and supplies. Your name goes on a list and subject to investigation, like obtaining text messages and phone calls. Thats an issue. Run you through checkpoints where they will find any reason they can to harass you. If they cant find something they will make it up. Look what happened with the horse delivery. This is big govt cracking down on citizens, they are dirty and will use dirty tactics to take you down. Be vigilant, protect yourself and your identity. 

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danman's picture

using authoritarian measures to crackdown on a protest against authoritarianism.... sketchy


sending in feds could cause some more moderate protesters to scamper but it'll also harden the resolve of others - I like this move just for entertainment value, we'll see if these protesters have ballz

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skeptoid's picture

Dan you're only tacitly supporting this stuff because internal turmoil in America (Canada is America - let's face it) is good for the CCP.

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danman's picture

you gonna have a little cry about that shit you just made up?

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danman's picture

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