Corouner Virush Update


skeptoid's picture

Hilarious that the prop stats are still being generated in a desperate attempt to re-assert the psychosis. Looking at this video, is there any doubt that we're living in clown world?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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According to the chart case numbers have not exploded at the protests. It's almost like we have a control group. lol.

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nakedslave's picture

you can't rely to this data because look at China area. Its all mostly empty.  Someone is manipulating this data to make it look like China has ZERO cases. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

I agree, I don't believe a single chart I see. I just wanted to point out they still manipulated it wrong. Ottawa is supposed to be the biggest red dot consuming canada right now.

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danman's picture

you've had 2 years to come up with evidence of China posting fake numbers - it should be extremely easy because if they lost control they couldn't possibly hide it.... but you don't have any. Curious.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

OK, I'll bite: China always reacted fiercly with lockdowns if there was a cluster. WAY stricter than Australia. Now they need a very high vaccination rate in order to keep the figures up as there is no herd immunity by the recovered (in their case probably not a problem, it will be vax or detention or something down this line). This is what he mentioned for Australia too. If they have a low vaccination rate they will peak again and run into problems, thankfully at a stage where the virus is less deadly.


There is a possibility that china faked the numbers, like it is believed russia did, but I think it is pretty unlikely.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Lol china is not sharing it's numbers at all, they made some statement that they owe the rest of the world nothing, and they want to host the Olympics XD

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danman's picture

China has been publishing the number of confirmed cases since the start down to sub-provincial level.

There are thousands of athletes & other high profile foreigners in Beijing rn experiencing their special Olympic covid bubble & they're gonna talk when they get home about what it was like. Unfortunately they can't visit Beijing proper & see life in a COVID-free city. There are western journalists there..... they haven't been telling you about China's success in defeating COVID though. Curious.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

All hail the hypno toad, how did they (defeat!!) covid?

And they refused to give the acctual numbers, just very optimistic numbers were given, they screwed with it, to look good, but it has the opposite effect.

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danman's picture

how did they (defeat!!) covid?

very carefully, it's been fucking amazing what they've acheived but I'm not gonna try & describe it here.


> they screwed with it, to look good, but it has the opposite effect

narcissistic & ignorant take


if they'd done as poorly in handling covid as the best western country has done the global supply chain would get rekt. but it didn't. Curious.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Maybe they did defeat covid.

They have some "tools", that western countries don't. 

There wont be any freedom convoys in China, thats for sure.   

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danman's picture

they don't have vax mandate in China so there's no need to protest against it.


there are hundreds of protests accross China each year, some are quite successful & there's even been a revolt in a village that overthrew the corrupt leadership not so long ago. You'll never see that happen in a western country.


You're right they have a lot more tools, eg. they keep disinfo type grifting to a minimum compared to the free-for-all that we have. If you're caught contradicting the govt/experts there on something as serious as vaccine safety and have decent sized social media following you're probably gonna be in a lot of trouble, at the least you'll get your account banned, possibly a visit by the cops if you're a real pain in the ass.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yeah i know they even kill ppl for speaking their mind.

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danman's picture

you're thinking of the CIA - wrong country bud


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

In China ppl just dissapear without press talking about it, so yeah it is worse there.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

So how did they beat covid? What did they do so different than the rest of the world?


Also want to share some recent protests where the CCP bent to the will of the people?  

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