this has got me wondering about the legal statues of death by negligence. if you knowingly take the chance of spreading hiv, you could get life in jail. i'm also wondering how hard she would fight for her life if you were to strangle her while repeating "everybody dies"
(2 votes)
(Old Spike)
there was no lockdown for HIV in all fairness
(Old Spike)
no need. like the description says. spreading hiv can get you life in jail. spreading a common std can get you a year in jail. if you use that as the rule. what should the ramifications be for neglectfully spreading covid? if someone dies and they trace it back to someone who's doing shit like the lady. would they come at her with similar charges? i'm wondering where that line in the sand is.
(Old Spike)
im talking 1982 man..itll take a while for laws to catch up..
(Old Spike)
Also in California u don't get charged for spreading HIV anymore. Keep that in mind if something has no consequence then why think i would care obv
(Old Spike)
cali changed the law, they didnt scrap it. you can get up to 6 months in for willingly spreading hiv, you can also get 6 months for willingful exposure to a infectious/communicable disease.