rfk says he didn't say the things he said on video
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GKhan (Old Spike)
light dinner conversation
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
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Dude (Old Spike)
He forgot to mention how they collect the DNA, maybe i should make a follow up video on that.
Jeez what a slip-up i spill a lot of things, but then again i am just a crackpot on video sites, this guy who is famous go's blurting shit like that on the dinner table being filmed trying to make himself more interesting... there were girls there...bet he thought he made em all wet.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Hmmm the video loaded rely rely slow the first time but was able to watch, hour later i come back and is now gone.
(Old Spike)
light dinner conversation
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
He forgot to mention how they collect the DNA, maybe i should make a follow up video on that.
Jeez what a slip-up i spill a lot of things, but then again i am just a crackpot on video sites, this guy who is famous go's blurting shit like that on the dinner table being filmed trying to make himself more interesting... there were girls there...bet he thought he made em all wet.
(Old Spike)
Hmmm the video loaded rely rely slow the first time but was able to watch, hour later i come back and is now gone.
....So it is true
The video itself dissapeared off the web.