Cox Bay Sunset Timelapse Sept 2019

KarlJohanson's picture

Cox Bay Sunset Timelapse Sept 2019

Sunset Point (aka Pettinger Point), Cox Bay, between Tofino and Pacific Rim National Park, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. Running the sunset at 20X speed, then real time. The sound of the waves is quite soothing. Numerous surfers can be seen in the waves. A map at the end of the video shows where this is. Cox Bay, is popular with surfers, boogie boarders, paddle boarders, as well as swimmers and waders. This is also true of near by Long Beach, Chesterman's Beach, Combers Beach, etc. You can see part of Frank Island in the distance.

Average: 5 (2 votes)


Steph19041961's picture

I love the timelapse part, and the full length part at the end was nice to leave on while I was working. I like the sound of the waves.

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