Cup Stacking with Tourette’s

daftcunt's picture

Cup Stacking with Tourette’s Syndrome!

Kinda cute but I guess blowjobs are pretty much out of the question!

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)


skeptoid's picture

I guess she's lucky to have "cute" Tourette's.

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boldfart's picture

Cute????? interesting.

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skeptoid's picture

Do your uncle the courtesy of at least reading his video post descriptions.

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boldfart's picture

Last remaining Uncle (aged) 101 who fought against facists like you, never got the hang of video post descriptions. Go away!

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skeptoid's picture

I can just imagine how your uncle felt when his mass-murder movement lost to his opponent's mass-murder movement. Tough to take.

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boldfart's picture

You need therapy, or euthanasia.

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skeptoid's picture

I don't wish death on you. What does that tell you about yourself?

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Dhagon's picture

Reading his "euthanasia" response got me like



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n0val33t's picture
front page

It's surely meant as a mercy... I mean we for it for our beloved pets when they are too far gone. Maybe you are beloved?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Didn't you want to spare us from your hate for "at least half a year"?

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Wasn't it unsafe? ^^ *imagines a spazzed out groundhog popping his head out*

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