Darkest Days Are Ahead For The USA


theblackswordsman's picture
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Biden: The DOOM is COMING! We are so weak and withered.  You need me to save you! Prepare for how much worse we are going to make it for you.


Trump: We are Great! We are Strong! We will beat this threat and create the GREATEST COMEBACK IN AMERICAN HISTORY!


I like good vibes personally.


"First they laugh at you, then they fight you, Then you win." - Donald Trump, Dan Pena

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lawngnome's picture
Much nicer than I wanted. I usually order thin, colored washcloths in case one of the cats have a dirty tushy problem. With the lightweight, colored wash clothes I can use them to clean up the cats, then just discard the washcloths and not worry about washing and bleaching the dirty washcloths or cleaning and disinfecting the inside of the washing machine. These cloths are thick, soft and certainly not worthy of being tossed after being used once. I will use them for me and order the more lightweight, coarse,cheap cloths for the cats dirty tushies.
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theblackswordsman's picture
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Get your feet off my spaghetti fat!

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ubershin's picture

is that new spikednation merch or what

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Dagambit's picture

As Frustatteed ists is to hear. <-- what he actually said. 

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Seamonkey89's picture


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Gottathrowthisawayaw's picture

I told you Trump would lose. And there is no proof to support your claim. And now, Joe Biden is President. 

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