Data on Pfizer vaxxed injured by/dying of COVID

skeptoid's picture

Severe illness after vaccination

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Interesting, i must say that if you get injected with Pfizer that you feel nervous for a few minutes, alot of ppl had that here, acctualy most. but it goes away after a few minutes, been injected 3 times ended good every time.

And they never aspirated anything but they where highly professional doctors. guess they just know the spots, i would never get an injection from a student anyway. even thoug it makes not much of a difference, it go's straight in the meat muscle

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skeptoid's picture

That experience is unique to you and you alone. It's the reason why when they develop these vaccines it's so critical that there be no funny business, no cutting corners, no fudging data and so on. It's why they conduct these trials looking at hundreds if not thousands of participants. Everyone's body is to some extent unique. Bill Maher is right when he says that.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yeah some ppl eat fatty food and gain nothing, others blow up like a balloon, but my observation of about 50 ppl, give me enough info to make conclusions.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, you happily accept bodged data on covid meds your prophets like........

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skeptoid's picture

The funny thing about you is that you don't know when it's time to shut up. That's why you're so entertaining. The first time I posted videos of this guy presenting data and explaining proper science you mocked the videos and you called him some kind of loon.


Have yourself a Hegel of a day.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Just read in the news paper of today, that hospitals now in the 4th wave in Belgium start noticing something about the vaxxinated.

It said, ''healthy vaxxed ppl don't need hospitalisation'' while in the stats of before that was not that clear, it seems like the injection takes a while, and all hospitalisations now are ppl with underlying diseases or unvaxxed.

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skeptoid's picture

You need to stop reading and watching what you think is "the news" and you'll be better informed. See below - Backdraft has some information for you. Raw data.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Read it yourself, and comprehend what i just said, it seems that the vaccine takes a while to do it's work about 7 months, and cases is not hospitalisation now is it.

Here in Belgium they alway's said from the beginning that even when vaccinated you can get covid and pass it on, only the symptoms would be none or less severe.

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skeptoid's picture

You just said the vaccine takes 7 months to "do it's work" when even the idiotic experts are saying whatever effect it provides only lasts 6 months.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

What do you mean with experts? The effect might as well last 10 years or a lifetime, we don't know at this point.

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skeptoid's picture

What you call "the news" has been telling us for some time now that repeated shots are needed - two doeses, then boosters, etc. They say this is necessary because the vaccine only lasts 6 months. Dude sometimes I wonder if you are communicating with us from an entirely different universe and Spiked is your mandela effect window to our reality.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Maybe your (news) and (experts) are telling you that, but noone knows how long it lasts.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Vaccines last on average 25 years - life. 


To fit the true definition of vaccines it must provide immunity, and it must erradicate the spread from the vaccinated.


But because these are not vaccines, nor were they ever planned to be, the definition of vaccine was convieniently changed in late 2019.


1984's Ministry of truth brought to reality.


"He who controls the past, controls the future. He who controls the present, controls the past."


" Winston, Did you know that new speak is the only language in history that gets smaller every year instead of larger?"

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Found some interesting stats from the UK. 


"case rates per 100,000 are now double in the double vaccinated population compared to the unvaccinated for people aged 40 to 79."



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skeptoid's picture

It's weird the vaccine seems to be a covid attractor in some cases.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Winter is going to be really nasty.


Some of the vaccinated will begin to succumb to the effects especially as they intake 3rd and fourth boosters.


Cold and flu season is going to start ripping through diminished immune systems.


Children are going to start dying as well. Tragically, it's already starting to happen. There is a video from somewhere in Africa where about a dozen children died in a clinic during the rollout.


I will not be uploading any content that comes up regarding that, as I do not want to normalize such horror. It will be available on alt tech for those will need to confirm it with their own eyes.


Dark winter is approaching.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Doomsday...., only the (healthy vaccinated) don't need hospitalization for covid...

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theblackswordsman's picture
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So why are healthy vaccinated athletes dying all over Europe. About 50 now.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

maybe because they are drug users to enhance their performance, and they tire their system out so they are less resistent to disease, and 50 out of 5,06 million is less then 0.00099 percent, any other questions

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Not disease. Heart failure and blood clots.


"any other questions"


Yes. How many people have to die before you stop defending these unethical medical treatments?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

show me the data

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Watch the video. between the 15ish and 20ish minute mark there is focus on the athletes collapsing in the field, and then later pronounced dead.


The "data" that you have been consuming is false, doctored, and largely payed for by big pharma or connected front groups. I'm not here to present doctored charts.


As long as you consume their information, you will be mislead right to the end. They already have their plan, and they have specially tailored information to lead you through every step of the manufactured crises right to death.


The choice is yours. You can use YOUR brain, or you can use theirs.


You want to know how YOUR health is doing? Book a physical, ask for a d dimer test and white blood cell count. 


If I was dying, some of you might not care. Some would even feel relieved that my opinion has been cut out of the discussion. That's fine.


But if you are dying, I am not ok with that. I would live the rest of my life feeling I didn't try hard enough, even if all I recieve is mockery and ridicule.


If in the end of this crises I was wrong, I would gladly endure a lifetime of mockery, rather than be correct and watch millions of people die.


It doesn't mean I think I'm better than you. I'm trying to save lives like everyone else.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Not one i know died of getting vaxxed

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I know one. They bled to death days after getting it.


This is meant to be a soft kill weapon. The most incompatible with it die very soon after recieving it.


Others can take 12 months to 2 years.


The more you intake the more your risks go up.


Not every bottle has it. some are filled with saline. (What the polititians and celebrities are getting in exchange for towing the line.) If you distribute the weapon too quickly too many die too fast to keep a lid on it.


Their story is barely holding as it is.


They want the death totals to skyrocket to coincide with our resistance as more of us go maskless, more of the vaxxed stop boosters. So the narrative can be refreshed to transfer blame onto us.


One way or the other you will see the truth. But I hope by then it's not too late.


Like I said. Get a blood test ask specifically for D dimer (Detetcts blood clots at the microscopic level) and a white blood cell count (Checking if the vaccine is diminishing your immune system.) A vial of blood and 2 hours of your time with a free healthcare system sounds like a bargain to me.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Let's say, even if it produces blood cloths in some ppl, it outweighs non of the risks that corona can give you, some die it is called collateral damage, but i don't believe a word of what you are saying since there is no proof.

Where is the proof of these blood cloths, saline solution, weapon to kill us.

Stats in belgium prove otherwise, i take that as proof plus my own observations.

 bled to death days after getting it? how or where were they bleeding?, you said it was one right, how can it be they?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If you don't watch my posts you can't blame lack of proof.


Bled to death in ICU after an adverse reaction.


They is what I am talking about globally. So far I know one that has died. 2 of my friends have also gone silent so I cannot confirm until I hear from someone.


I know a few more that I am monitoring.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

It is like trying to take poisoned meat from an angry dog....

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Holy cow, does this crap have you mind controlled too. Protect the vaccine at all costs? Feel a pleasureable sensation every injection? Half joking.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Well dude i don't watch news at all, free time is movies and gaming, i don't know where you get your musTARD but i guess it is on crazy conspiracy websites, some of the conspiracy's are true others not so much, i get my info from own observations and i see nothing of that. even if it was true it is collateral damage

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

It is not an attractor, vaxxinated just go out more, hence more chance of an infection, but no need for hospitalization, and also most ppl are vaxxed

Here in Belgium they alway's said from the beginning that even when vaccinated you can get covid and pass it on, only the symptoms would be none or less severe.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Not only in belgium, pretty much anywhere outside the "conspiracy circles".....

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