The last discussion before Pangburn melted down and folded. Eric reported on JRE that Bret showed Dawkins his ass, but he would be biased. Starting!
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bradlox (Long Spike)
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
what the fucking fuck I'm watching it right now, but you're right embedded says not available. Um (fucking Pangburn), here's the link:
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
WTF they pulled it completely. It's been pulled. WTFFFF!??? Adam is going to be pissed I hope he got it downloaded. I have it loaded to about 18 min and then the buffer cuts out. LOL this is bizARRE!
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I captured the last 30 min of the audio. Trying to make something happen with it.
Edit: I'll post a vid here if tonight's efforts prove fruitful. The thumbnail survives - ha ha you can't take that from us!
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sato (Old Spike)
can you post the thumbnail? i don't see it only grey youtube blank holder.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Thumbnail was the right side of what you see now. Good news is Think Club produced what you hear in the vid above. Best we could do given the circumstances. The full debate is still slated for release at some point, apparently.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
I checked out Dawkins twitter and it's not working in his favor.
He was making fun of believers calling them air-heads, telling Democrats to vote in the midterms.
80% of Democrats are believers. It's still America we're talking about here.
Watching intelligent people NOT THINK is one of the worst things I know.k
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
the last 2 minutes of this clip are interesting, dawkins avoids weinstein's attempt to inject holocaust ideology into evolution theory. he brushes it off as nationalism with his go-to "that's evil" logic. the conversation is messed up.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Dawkins tries to end the discussion at the very end of this clip, and Bret wisely puts it to the audience who demand that they continue. I am probably one of only a handful that managed to watch the entire firs 49 minutes before it was yanked. Dawkins seems to be driven by political motivations - not science. It's weird.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
what the fucking fuck I'm watching it right now, but you're right embedded says not available. Um (fucking Pangburn), here's the link:
(Old Spike)
WTF they pulled it completely. It's been pulled. WTFFFF!??? Adam is going to be pissed I hope he got it downloaded. I have it loaded to about 18 min and then the buffer cuts out. LOL this is bizARRE!
(Old Spike)
I captured the last 30 min of the audio. Trying to make something happen with it.
Edit: I'll post a vid here if tonight's efforts prove fruitful. The thumbnail survives - ha ha you can't take that from us!
(Old Spike)
can you post the thumbnail? i don't see it only grey youtube blank holder.
(Old Spike)
Thumbnail was the right side of what you see now. Good news is Think Club produced what you hear in the vid above. Best we could do given the circumstances. The full debate is still slated for release at some point, apparently.
(Old Spike)
I checked out Dawkins twitter and it's not working in his favor.
He was making fun of believers calling them air-heads, telling Democrats to vote in the midterms.
80% of Democrats are believers. It's still America we're talking about here.
Watching intelligent people NOT THINK is one of the worst things I know.k
(Old Spike)
the last 2 minutes of this clip are interesting, dawkins avoids weinstein's attempt to inject holocaust ideology into evolution theory. he brushes it off as nationalism with his go-to "that's evil" logic. the conversation is messed up.
(Old Spike)
Dawkins tries to end the discussion at the very end of this clip, and Bret wisely puts it to the audience who demand that they continue. I am probably one of only a handful that managed to watch the entire firs 49 minutes before it was yanked. Dawkins seems to be driven by political motivations - not science. It's weird.