Dawkins doing backflips


daftcunt's picture
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I don't see why this guy is so surprised. Dawkins has always stated that he is happy that he is from a "christian country", I have seen many examples of him "admitting" to that. And NOBODY denies that this is better than other alternatives. 

Still believing in "god and the bible" of course remains as ridiculous as ever.


Also, don't forget, he is referring to christianity in the UK and Europe, where even in deep catholic countries like Spain and Italy there is no problem with contraception (including morning after pills and even abortion), being openly gay and even trans etc. etc., not to the US, where all this is quite a bit different.


So the question we need to ask ourselves is: Have we gotten where we are because of or despite "christianity"? 

Just one tiny example: During my lifetime in most (if not all) parts of the "christian world" being gay was a crime. That was changed AGAINST the will of literally all the christian sects, NOT because the christian church suddenly "saw the light" and started fighting for for gay rights. 


It is amazing how quickly people forget.

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Bobbob's picture
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Your first paragraph. You and your uncle D are talking about celebrating Christmas without Christ. Having 'objective' good but without God. (Will post a separate video on this. Special. Just for you).  Pathetic much? What do you imagine uncle D's favorite  hymn is.


Your 2nd paragraph. I've told you before that if Christianity goes away we don't default to a religion-free world. Looks like you forgot.  Dookie is realizing  now what comes after if you let it. Remember that whether reforming to embrace liberals or gays, in Christianity you don't have extremists killing you for that reform...killing you cause you're not religious enough. I mean look at ultra religious good guy Amish (hell, just realized he even sports the same facial hair style as Mo and friends).


Your 3rd paragraph. You? Born in Austria and then onto Malta was it?... 'Because' of Christianity. 


Yeah. We said your memory is not the best.

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daftcunt's picture
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Nobody denies that between (most) "christian sects" and many "islamic sects" the former is the lesser evil. However I disagree that when one belief vanishes by default another gains momentum. To realise that people would have to actively convert, they don't. And most definitely "atheists" are for the most part as opposed to radical islam as are "christians", albeit with a lack of insecurity and no feelings of competition.


I don't understand your reference to malta and austria? what has this to do with anything? Or is it your attempt to being "sarcastic" again? 

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Bobbob's picture
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Just pointing out that launching your critiques while safely nestled in Christian republics continues to smack of hypocrisy. You're the equivalent of a man, who climbs up on the shoulders of another man, just so you can spit on his head.

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daftcunt's picture
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yawn, we fortunately distinguish between church and state, THIS is what makes a country worth living in. WHENEVER "church" gets involved in government and lawmaking it was, is and will be a big fuck up.

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Bobbob's picture
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Hey, we do separation of church and state here too. Isn't living in christian-founded nations that allow this great?! Wooo!  Let's keep doing nothing and see how that works. (Insert Dawkins's shock that Christianity where he lives somehow being supplanted by another religion might not be fun, here). Hnngh. 

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daftcunt's picture
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"....christian-founded nations that allow this...."

You got the wrong end of the stick, buddy.

It was church resisting until the inevitable happened, being forced out by the will of the people. 


Guess what, no witches were burnt since then.....


It is also funny how in the US the states with most "christian influence" are the ones still promoting the death penalty, isn't it.....

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Bobbob's picture
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That last paragraph citing USA as most Christian shows just how ignorant you are of history and present day. Gives the impression you dated some Evangelical chick in college maybe.  Won't be wasting time for you on this.

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daftcunt's picture
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It would be simple to prove my statement wrong, you cant.

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Bobbob's picture
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I take this discussion very seriously but researching this...from the toilet using text-to-speach...I mean have you tried?

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daftcunt's picture
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It would be simple to prove my statement wrong, you cant.

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Bobbob's picture
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'WHENEVER "church" gets involved in government and lawmaking it was, is and will be a big fuck up.'

Holy shit. Did you just prove my point? Christianity allows for this separation, but what uncle Dookie fears taking over (Islam) results in a religious caliphate with an Imam as ruler. So... I'd start praying (like him) if I were you.

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daftcunt's picture
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"Christianity allows for this separation..."


No, they were forced to accept it. 


Also: It would be simple to prove my statement wrong, you cant. Just dodging again.....

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Bobbob's picture
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LoL. You saying so doesn't make it so. Show us the video of priests being dragged by their beards into parliament to sign whatever agreement you feel they 'accepted'.

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daftcunt's picture
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"Show us the video of priests being dragged by their beards into parliament to sign whatever agreement you feel they 'accepted'."


This did not happen as they were not part of the decision making process. 

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Bobbob's picture
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Correct. Because this is the norm, a universal wisdom in Christian republics. Thanks for making my point.

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daftcunt's picture
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lol, they very much wanted to be asked, in control even, people didn't let them.

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Bobbob's picture
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Here's where you give the example that this is also the case in muslim countries. 

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daftcunt's picture
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we are not talking about muslims, why do you obsess with them? Are they even worse an enemy than atheists?


It seems in the western world more people detached themselves quicker from their delusions. So we are the lucky ones.

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Bobbob's picture
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Don't be a hypocrite. We have a parallel thread going https://spikednation.com/videos/objective-good-without-god-dedication#comment-93191 where you cite muslims as the counter-example. It's in the Christian West that people were allowed a separation of church and state and thus the freedom to detach from their delusions as you call them. But your lord and saviour the Daukemeister isn't as detached as you thought.. it turns out. How crushing this must be for you. 

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daftcunt's picture
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It's in the Christian West that people were allowed a separation of church and state..."

You mean in the sense that that the "church allowed it"? Nope, they were forced out.


The worrying part is that, particularly in the US, they try to force themselves "in" again, currently they are moderately successful, a development that is worrying (not really for me in my lifetime, though) and needs to be stopped.

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Bobbob's picture
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'Forced'?  Again, video of bishops being dragged by their beards into parliament to sign or it didn't happen. Your argument is invalid.  Hey, as a counter-example I see the ayatollah in Iran ordered a strike on Israel in the next 48hrs. You know... now that he's no longer weak from 'fasting' looks like he's fighting mad.   

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daftcunt's picture
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"....bishops being dragged by their beards into parliament to sign...." sign what? They weren't asked.

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Bobbob's picture
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Exactly my point dog. Christian-based societies, with the inherent rights and freedoms to match. Unless you could come up with some secularization wars in the history books that the rest of us don't know about.

If you believe that this progressive seed sprang from the minds of atheists it's your duty to spread it to e.g. Iran, next. Just pack your bags and tell me what time I'm driving you and the wife to the airport.

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daftcunt's picture
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I am fine where I am, 'murricans should be worried:


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Bobbob's picture
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No one said you're not fine where you are. I mean of course you are. What better place to be afforded the privilege of being a daftcunt. You think an ayatollah would put up with your shit? You keep proving my point.

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daftcunt's picture
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you sound like a broken record. 

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Bobbob's picture
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I'm just trying to be patient on account of your Alzheimer's or mad cow or whatever.

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boldfart's picture


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Dude's picture
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what if both sides are tools :)

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Bobbob's picture
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Too much edge. It's time you upgraded your avatar. Here..

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Dude's picture
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